2007 Council Announcements

November 13, 2007


Additional City Council Announcements

November 13, 2007


Celebration of the Train Removal on 900 South:


A Celebration of the train removal on 900 South will be held on Saturday November 17 at 4:00 pm.  All Council Members and Council Members-elect are invited.  The Mayor’s office has planned the celebration and has included Van Turner as a host. 


Does the Council object to the Council splitting the cost for the community event?  The portion for the Council would be approximately $1,000.00 - $2,000.00.


No the Council does not object.


November 13, 2007

City Council Announcements

November 13, 2007


A. Information Needed by Council Staff

1.    The Salt Lake County Animal Services Division is evaluating how to implement the $40,000 appropriated by the City Council during the FY 07-08 annual budget process for additional enforcement in natural open space areas and city parks.  Council staff wanted the Council to be aware that the County may choose to use undercover officers for the additional enforcement.

All Council Members were in favor except Councilmember Simonsen.  Councilmember Love asked that Miller Park be enforced by Animal Control services.

2.    This is the last formal contract year for Hansen, Barnett & Maxwell (it is a 3 year contract).  If the Council would like, there is an option to extend their contract for two years without going through a separate bidding/selection process.  Otherwise, our office can work with the Administration to go out to bid again for multiple firms.  The Administration indicated that the last time we went out to bid two firms responded (H, B & M being one).


All responses from City departments this year regarding H, B & M’s performance have been very positive.


The Council Audit sub-committee has been briefed on the situation, and recommends that the Council exercise the two year option.


Would the Council prefer to exercise the two year option, or solicit bids from other audit firms for the City’s annual financial audit?

All Council Members were in favor of renewal of the two year option.

3.    The National League of Cities and Towns Leadership Training Institute will hold a
seminar entitled “Leading Innovation and change in Local Government” that will be
held January 25-27, 2008 in Austin Texas.  Council Member Søren Simonsen has expressed interest in attending.  Under Council policy, Council approval is sought for a Council Member to attend conferences other than the two main National League Conventions.   Would the Council authorize Council Member Simonsen to attend?

All Council Members were in favor of Council Member Simonsen attending.


4.    A number of suggestions have been mentioned by Council Members regarding follow up associated with the Public Safety Building Bond vote:

a.    Consider establishing a subcommittee to work with the Administration on identifying and evaluating alternatives.

b.    Consider setting up the framework for an advisory board so establishment of the board can be put in place early regarding any future public financing efforts.

All Council Members were in favor of forming a subcommittee and encouraged the Administration to move forward.


5.    Honorary Naming requests have been received within the past couple of months. 

b.    A request to rename the 14th Avenue Park to “Kay Rees Park”.

c.    A request to name the west little league baseball field in Sunnyside Park in honor of Robert W. Jones.

d.    Ongoing requests by family and friends to honor loved ones killed while serving their country by naming streets or parks in their honor.

      *Salt Lake City does not have a Naming Rights Policy for Honorary Naming or
  Donation-Based Naming Rights.

      *Council Members have mentioned the following items with regards to Honorary
  Naming Rights:

a.    A written petition to request an Honorary Naming should include personal details of the Honoree, including a written justification for the recommendation.

b.    A written petition must have Neighborhood Community Council and City Administration approval before being submitted to the City Council.

c.    Cost associated with the naming, including signage, plaques, etc, would be the responsibility of the petitioner.  Signage, plaques, etc must be approved by the City’s Public Services Department.

d.    A posthumous standard waiting period could be established before an Honorary Naming request could be submitted for City Council approval.  (Ten years was mentioned.)

      *Council Staff needs further direction with regard to Naming Rights.  Some options
       to consider:

a.    Does the Council consider the Naming Rights Policy to be a priority?

b.    Does the Council prefer a comprehensive Naming Rights Policy which includes both Honorary Naming Rights and Donation-Based Naming Rights? 

c.    Does the Council prefer to address the above mentioned items (a) and (b) at a Council meeting prior to the January 2008 Induction?

d.    Does the Council prefer to address this issue when the Street Naming. Policy is considered?

e.    Does the Council wish to consider the above Council Member suggestions as criteria for a Naming Rights Policy?  Do they wish to add to the criteria list?

f.    Other?


All Council Members were in favor of a naming rights policy.


6.    FYI: Early advertising on issues that will come before the Council in December and January:

     Light Rail Alignment

     Streambed Corridors

     Conditional Use

All Council Members were in favor of early advertising.