City Council Announcements
November 20, 2001
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. City Council Legislative Breakfast: In 2002 the Utah Legislature will convene on January 21. It will adjourn on February 7 for the 2002 Winter Olympics and reconvene on February 25. The session then will run from February 25 to March 6.
Given the Legislature's timetable, does the Council wish to schedule a breakfast with Salt Lake City legislators this year? If so, would you prefer December or January? Potential dates might be:
December 17, 18, 19 or 20 or
January 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18.
Councilmember Buhler suggested meeting on one of the first Friday’s in January and having staff check with new Council Members.
In the past, the Council has scheduled a briefing from the Administration on legislative issues that may affect Salt Lake City. Would the Council wish to schedule a briefing at one of its remaining meetings in November or at one of its meetings in December?
2. Petition No. 400-01-02 - Matrix Power Development Company - request to amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow electric generating facilities in the Manufacturing Zoning Districts
Attached please find information related to the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment relating to electric generating facilities in the Manufacturing Zoning Districts. The additional changes include the addition of specific location criteria that would require power generating facilities to be located within 2,640 feet (1/2 mile) of any existing 138 kV power line.
The Council received a briefing regarding the proposed text change on October 4, 2001. During the Council's discussion, Council Member Carlton Christensen noted that it may be appropriate to include specific criteria to mitigate impacts related to that type of use. The Council requested that the Planning staff meet with Council Member Christensen to refine the proposed text and provide a final recommendation to the Council.
Is the proposed change acceptable to Council Members? Would Council Members like to schedule a public hearing or receive an additional briefing prior to scheduling a public hearing?
Council Members were in favor of moving the item forward.
3. Legislative Action Items:
a. Proposal to Allow Brewpubs to Wholesale Beer: Council Member Tom Rogan requests the Council’s consideration of the attached Memorandum.
Councilmember Thompson suggested waiting until Councilmember Rogan was back. Ms. Gust-Jenson said Russell Weeks was checking the numbers in one of the letters.
b. Amendments to Chapter 9.04 titled Dancehalls, Restaurants, Taverns and Private Clubs and Section 11.44.070 titled Curfew for Minors: Council Members Roger Thompson, David Buhler, Tom Rogan request the Council’s consideration of the attached Memorandum.
Councilmember Thompson asked that a Legislative Intent statement be prepare for the Council’s consideration. Ms. Gust-Jenson asked if the Council wanted to discuss the issue in a briefing or just move it forward. Councilmember Thompson said there were some policy issues which needed to be discussed before submitting a legislative intent.
c. Proposal for licensing cats: Council Member Carlton Christensen requests the Council’s consideration of the attached Memorandum. Ms. Gust-Jenson said the memo had not been approved by the Councilmember C. Christensen.
c. Proposed ordinance mandating the use of an approved helmet by children while riding a bicycle: Council Members Roger Thompson and Nancy Saxton request the Council’s consideration on the attached Memorandum.
The Council was in favor.
Is the Council in favor of forwarding these to the official agenda to formally make the request of the Administration or would the Council prefer to have discussions during a work session?
B. Council Office Policies
C. For Your Information
D. Meetings