2003 Council Announcements

November 20, 2003


City Council Announcements

November 20th and 18th, 2003


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. Periodic Consulting Assistance on Land Use: 


      The City Council Office is staffed at a level to cover the average workload and as significant workload peaks are experienced outside resources are retained.  A good example of this was the temporary call-takers retained when call volume about the Main Street Plaza exceeded staff’s capacity.


      We currently have a number of land use issues that are pending, and some of these issues are time-sensitive.  Some of the issues can be picked up by other staff members but others require specific land use expertise. The Council Chair and Vice Chair are suggesting that the Council authorize the Chair to retain consulting services on an as-needed basis. 

      Would the Council support authorizing the Chair to exercise this option?  Ms. Gust-Jenson said Council Members could help staff prioritize pending items.  Council Members were in favor of authorizing a consultant on a short-term basis and looking at reassigning the workload among staff.


2. Schedule for reviewing Department Store Definitions, Gateway Zoning.


      The Chair and Vice Chair have discussed holding the public hearing on January 6. This would mean that the schedule could be as follows:

            Briefing    December 2, 4 or 9 (depending on receipt of paperwork)

            Set Date    December 9

            Hearing     January 6


Council Members were in favor of the proposed schedule.



3.          North Salt Lake Property Tour:  There are two additional tour opportunities:


                  Monday, November 24     3:30 or 3:45 p.m.

                  Tuesday, November  25   3:30 or 3:45 p.m.


   Would any of the Council Members who have not yet attended like to go on either of these dates?  Councilmember Buhler.  Council Member Saxton said yes after January 2nd.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff would check back with Council Members.


B. For Your Information


1. Salt Lake City Foundation has submitted the following grant application in collaboration with the University of Utah School of Social Work:

Corporation for National & Community Service, Next Generation Grants 2003

Department:  Public Services-Sorensen Multi-Cultural Center

Description:   Start-up funds for Salt Lake City Intergenerational Learning Center

Ask Amount:  $180,000

Matching Funds: $20,000 provided by applicant and program partners

Department Contact: Janet Wolf, Director of Youth & Family Program Division

Grant Office Contact:  Elizabeth Myers.  Council Members wanted more information about this issue.  Ms.  Gust-Jenson said this item would be moved to the Decisions, Feedback category and staff would get more information for the Council.


2. UTOPIA WEB SITE:  Utopia’s web site (www.utopianet.org) contains a copy of the feasibility study and a white paper titled “Utah’s Public-Private Fiber-to-the Premises Initiative.”  The web site includes an overview, a listing of frequently asked questions, a discussion of high-speed fiber technology, and a calendar of upcoming meetings.  This site can help the general public become more familiar with the proposed fiber network. 


City Council Announcements

November 18, 2003


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. REQUEST FROM JAMES GARSIDE TO MEET IN SMALL GROUP MEETINGS REGARDING WATER SHOCK – At the November 4, 2003 City Council meeting, Mr. James Garside spoke to the City Council about what he referred to as a $400 million water liability issue stemming from 32 water exchange agreements with irrigation companies.  He said there are 4000 to 5000 individual shareholders.  Mr. Garside said that he would like to move his water to a place where he can use it and requested that the Council look into this.  He said that he didn’t think that a lawsuit would help Salt Lake City’s bond rating.  (A bond resolution was on the Council’s agenda that evening.) 


      Subsequent to speaking in the Council Meeting, Mr. Garside requested the opportunity to meet in small group meetings with Council Members.


      The Administration and the City Attorney’s Office have indicated that the City is currently in the process of protesting an exchange application through the State’s formal appeals process. The Council’s policy has been not to become involved in legal appeal processes.   This is a water rights issue with far reaching ramifications and consequences. The Administration will be responding in writing to Mr. Garside.


      Do Council Members wish to meet in small group meetings with Mr. Garside?  No!!  Ms. Gust-Jenson said the Administration was drafting a letter for the Council to consider sending to Mr. Garside.


B. For Your Information


1. PUBLIC TRANSIT AUDIT REPORT – Attached is the audit report on public transit. 

      Auditors’ observations:

              From January 2001 to December 2002, the frequency on bus routes within Salt Lake City   increased by 116 trips, which was offset by 98 canceled trips for a net increase of 18       trips.  Additionally, Sunday service increased by 189 trips after April 2001. 

              The appointment of UTA board members is governed by law.  The law mandates a 15    member board and provides a formula to determine the representation of the various       jurisdictions on the board.  The auditors recalculated the formula found in the law and       determined, based on census data, that Salt Lake City is appropriately represented on the   board. 


      Utah Transit Authority has engaged a specialized firm to perform a comprehensive review of the bus transit system serving Salt Lake County.  The Council may wish to discuss the report once it is available. 


2. The city has submitted the following proposal: Fire Safety & Prevention Grant

Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Program

Risk Watch Hazard Safety Curriculum

US Fire Administration Fire Safety & Prevention Program

Department:   Fire Department

Description:  Produce brochures & manuals and videos to assist firefighters in counseling families on juvenile firesetting and arson.  Purchase two sets of curriculum books for Salt Lake City elementary & middle schools to incorporate Risk Watch into the school curriculum.  Risk Watch is a partnership with the Utah State Fire Marshall and the schools.

Amount:  $53,731

Match:  30%  cash match from the Hanson Family Foundation

Dept. Contact:  Battalion Chief Kevin Nalder

Grant Office Contact:  Sarah Behrens

Grants Acquisition & Project Coordinator

Salt Lake City Corporation

e-mail: sarah.behrens@ci.slc.ut.us

phone: 801.535.7744