2006 Council Announcements

November 21, 2006


City Council Announcements

November 21, 2006



A. Information Needed by Council Staff


1. The Council has held a retreat during the third week of January for the past several years. Due to the Holiday Season, the first week of January is often not heavy with meeting issues. Does the Council wish to schedule the retreat for January 4 to take advantage of the light schedule, or would the Council prefer to schedule the retreat during the third week or at another time?  All Council Members were in favor of the first week in January except Councilmember Simonsen who was absent.


2. Council Staff Vacations:  Given the workload for the past year in the office a number of Council staff members have accumulated a lot of vacation and leave that they have not had the opportunity to take.  Since this is not an induction year the Chair has suggested the staff take as much vacation as possible in the last weeks of December. Is operating with just basic staffing for the last half of December acceptable to the Council?  All Council Members were in favor except Councilmember Simonsen who was absent..


3. Salt Lake City Lakeshore Community Master Plan (Northwest Quadrant Master Plan) process: The Administration has provided a status report on the Northwest Quadrant Master Plan process.  Please see the attached memo from the Community Development Department for details. 


      Would Council Members like to schedule a briefing from the Administration on this item?  Council Members were in favor of a briefing for the whole Council and continuing with the small group meetings. 

      Key points include: 

     Establishing a new name for the project – Salt Lake City Lakeshore Community Master Plan

     Consultant selection:

o     The team selected for the project consists of several consulting firms:

     EDWA, Inc., from Ft. Collins, Colorado and MGB+A from Salt Lake City – responsible for overall project management and tasks

     Specialty areas – master plan elements

     Fehr & Peers – transportation

     SWCA – environmental

     Bonneville Research – economic development

     Master Plan Citizen Committees:

o     Technical Resource Committee – (please see Attachment A in the Administration’s memo for a list of committee members)

o     Advisory Committee – (please see Attachment B in the Administration’s memo for a list of committee members)

     Master Plan Process Phases:

o     Assessment

o     Visioning

o     Plan Development

o     Plan Adoption

     Phases I and II – Assessment and Visioning includes:

o     Assessment

     Stakeholder interviews

     Development of a baseline-planning summary

     Identification of opportunities and constraints

o     Visioning (workshop scheduled for the end of January 2007)

     Key public workshop focused on:

     Visioning

     Goal setting

     Guiding principals for the Plan

     Education on tools utilized for sustainable development

     Case study examples of successes and failures in managing growth

     Vision preference exercises to determine support for different development patterns


4. The City’s legislative consultant has suggested that the City Council’s annual breakfast with Salt Lake City legislators be postponed for a week because some legislators will be unable to attend a breakfast during the first week of December.  A breakfast on December 12 or December 14 has been suggested. The dates do not appear to conflict with legislative meetings. (It should be noted that the Legislature’s Executive Appropriations Committee is scheduled to meet December 13, according to the respective legislative offices.) Would the City Council prefer to meet on December 12 or December 14?  Council Members were in favor of holding the breakfast on December 12th. 


B. For your information


1. BUDGET BOOK - The Capital and Operating Budget book for fiscal year 2006-07 is on your council office desks.


2. Grant Application attached. 


Grant Submission Notification Memo

TO:   Steve Fawcett, Rocky Fluhart, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 11/14/2006

SUBJECT:    2006 Violence Against Women Act Formula Grant


FUNDING AGENCY:         Utah Office of Crime Victim Reparations


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Salt Lake City Prosecutor’s Office

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:       Salt Lake City Police Department Victim Advocate Program and Detective Unit, Trauma Awareness Center, and Salt Lake City Justice Court

DATE SUBMITTED:         November 13, 2006



      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       1     FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime

      Match Required   25%            In Kind       Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  



     The Prosecutor’s Office requested $48,298.49 to fund a full-time court victim advocate who will support domestic violence victim witnesses through court proceedings and will facilitate collaboration with criminal justice partners in an effort to enhance effective prosecution of domestic violence offenders.

     The required match totaling 25 percent ($16,274.31) of the project costs is being met through personnel/staff time of the Senior Assistant City Prosecutor, a paralegal for the Prosecutor’s Office, and the Grants Program Administrator of the City.