City Council Announcements
November 4, 2003
and November 6, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. City Council Policy: In response to a reporter's inquiry regarding the City Council's response to requests to adopt a resolution opposing the Patriot Act, Council staff at the Council Chair's request sent the reporter a City Council statement read by Council Member Dale Lambert on March 11 regarding the City Council's position not to adopt a resolution to designate Salt Lake City as a "City of Peace" before the conflict in Iraq began. Council staff has attached the full statement and has italicized the paragraph indicating that it has been the City Council's "practice" not to adopt resolutions "on issues outside our sphere of responsibilities." Would the City Council like to adopt the italicized paragraph as a Council policy instead of following it as a practice? Yes
2. North Salt Lake Request for Boundary Adjustment: As you are aware, North Salt Lake has requested a boundary adjustment. They would like to invite Council Members to look at the parcel they would like to have transferred to their jurisdiction. They would like to have the tour prior to the winter snow pack. We are looking at scheduling two dates in the second week of November for Council Members to select from. We are also looking at inviting the Planning Commission because in the past the Council has elected to refer these matters to the Planning Commission for their recommendations. Which dates work best for Council Members? (Is anyone interested in having a tour on Veteran’s Day, Tuesday, November 11?) Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff had been working with Council Members to set up a tour and one date being considered was Monday, November 10, 2003 following the Board of Canvassers meeting at 1:30 p.m.. She said after that we will see who is still interested and set up a second round.
3. Pioneer Park
Council staff has attached a summary of the final meeting of the Pioneer Park Stakeholders Committee where the Committee acted on a proposed final-use design for the park. Ms. Gust-Jenson said Mr. Weeks prepared a memo for the Council which provided some background.
B. Upcoming Appointments (attached goldenrod sheet)
C. Informational Mail items received (attached goldenrod sheet)
D. Upcoming Agenda items (attached goldenrod sheet)
City Council Announcements
November 6, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Utopia: Council Members are again invited to attend briefing sessions in Utah County:
Wednesday, November 5 1:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 6 9:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.
Also, there is a tentative briefing of the Council set for Thursday, November 13, an RDA meeting night. Rocky Fluhart is coordinating with the RDA Chair & Vice Chair and staff on timing.
There is hope that the Council can make a decision related to Utopia in December. If you are willing to participate in a small group meeting please let Mary or Michael know.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said there were two additional dates where Utopia would be having briefings. She said Wednesday at 1:00 or 6:00 p.m., Thursday @ 9:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. Councilmember Christensen said he found the briefing helpful and felt other Council Members would find it valuable. Ms. Gust-Jenson said they would also schedule other sessions. She said in addition, Rocky Fluhart was trying to arrange a briefing for Thursday November 13, 2003 which was an RDA night. She said Utopia wanted to make a decision in December if possible. She said if Council Members needed additional information they would be willing at the Council’s convenience to schedule some small group meetings.
B. For Your Information
1. The City has received notification from the Department of Housing and Urban Development that the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) for Salt Lake City’s HOPWA funding has been changed to include Tooele and Summit Counties. Weber and Davis Counties will no longer be in the same MSA as Salt Lake City. This decision by HUD to change the MSA area will affect the 2004-2005 fiscal year allocation process. Salt Lake City remains the lead agency, responsible for HOPWA funding and will provide service to Tooele and Summit Counties in the same manner as was provided to Davis and Weber Counties.
The HOPWA application process will be re-opened to accommodate applications from Tooele and Summit Counties. The State of Utah will review the applications from Davis and Weber Counties. The City’s Housing Trust Fund Board, City staff and a new group representing the Cities and the Counties of Tooele and Summit will review the proposed projects in the new MSA area and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council for funding in each of the respective areas.