2002 Council Announcements

October 1, 2002


City Council Announcements

October 1, 2002



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. National League Conference Preparations

a.    Reception. During professional conferences, it is common for smaller affiliation groups to host a reception.  These are not scheduled as part of the conference program, but are arranged by invitation.  For example, as a part of the ICMA conference, City Managers of a particular state or region might host a reception.  Is the Council interested in hosting a reception sometime during the National League of Cities conference to be held December 3-7th?

b.    Hospitality Suite. The NLC Conferences generally provide an on-site hospitality suite for conference-goers. Options for the hospitality suite include chairs, water, simple food/snacks, a display of current City events and issues being discussed by the Council, and general comfort items such as tissues, aspirin, etc. Would the Council be interested in using Council Office resources to put together a hospitality suite?  The Council asked staff to get more information on the hosting of the hospitality suite.  The want staff to check on the involvement of the Travel Council and the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau.  They aren’t sure that it is Council’s role to host the hospitality suite.  A concern was expressed about the expense of the convention.  The expressed interest in inviting participants to City Hall as the council did during the Olympics and would like to discuss that further.  The Council asked staff to r equest a briefing on the status of the National League meeting arrangements.  The Council discussed inviting the previous Council Members to a function during the League convention.


2.  Side Yard Ordinance:  The Council agreed to put it on the consent agenda, since the language is different than that approved in their motion.


B. Council Office Policies


C. For Your Information


D. Meetings