(continued from October 7)
October 9, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Randy Kruger, a retired Air Force Major, works at the Utah Test and Training Range. He has offered to coordinate a visit to the Range and possible tour of Hill AFB for the City Council and Mayor's office. Are there any Council Members who would like to attend?
2. Utopia: The Administration would like to meet with Council Members to provide an update on the Utopia program. It has evolved since the last update. Also, Utopia would like to invite Council Members to view a demonstration in Provo during the week of October 20. Provo has a system currently in operation that is somewhat similar to what is proposed by Utopia. Council staff has viewed the presentation in Provo and found that it demonstrates the capabilities and potential of Utopia. Would Council Members be willing to schedule a site visit to Provo to view the system?
3. Increased residential traffic fines in neighborhoods: When the City Council recently lifted the moratorium on the Traffic Calming Program, they adopted eleven legislative intents. One was: “It is the intent of the City Council to enact amendments to provide for an enhanced penalty for speeding on residential streets that are posted at 25 mph.”
Do Council Members have specific ideas regarding enhanced level of fines for this legislative intent? Do you want Council staff to work with the Attorney’s Office to determine the fine structure? Would you like to have a recommendation from the Administration?
4. Giant in Our City dinner. The Chamber will be hosting the annual "Giant in Our City" dinner on Wednesday, October 29 at 6:00 p.m. at the Grand America Hotel. Are Council Members interested in attending? Depending on the number of Council Members attending, council staff will register for a table or make arrangements to share a table with CED.
5. Northwest Quadrant Master Plan: Council Members recently received a copy of the attached letter and proposed timeline/cost estimate from Mr. Jeff Jonas, Planning Commission Chair requesting that the City Council consider funding the development of a master plan for the Northwest Quadrant. Mr. Jonas notes:
A. This area was annexed into the City in the mid-1980s, but the City has never adopted a long-range plan to govern it.
B. A master plan for the area was drafted in the early 1990s, but was never adopted by the City Council.
C. The lack of a master plan and planning policies for this area is becoming increasingly problematic.
D. Planning staff estimates the approximate cost would be:
1. $154,000, if prepared in-house by the Administration
2. $304,000, if prepared by an outside consultant
Would the Council like to include funding for this master plan as an initiative in Budget Amendment #2 (tentatively scheduled for discussion in November) or would Council Members prefer to discuss this request further during a work session briefing?
6. Request for Proposals (RFP) for Audit of the Fire Department: The Council Subcommittee recommended contracting with an audit or consulting firm for a management and performance audit of the Fire Department. This would continue the Council’s long-standing practice of contracting for major management and operational audits. Council staff has prepared the attached RFP. The proposed scope of work is itemized on Exhibit “A” beginning on page 15, part II. Does the Council wish for staff to issue the RFP? Does the Council have changes or additions to the proposed scope statements? No. Councilmember Saxton said she was ok with the scope but wanted to know if the Council normally asked the Chief if there were any departments or areas he felt would be advantages for an audit. Ms. Gust-Jenson said yes. Councilmember Saxton asked if that had been given to them. Ms. Gust-Jenson said we she had been in contact with the Chief several times as the proposal evolved. She said department input would be received before commitments were made.
B. 7. Request for Proposals (RFP) for auditors to conduct limited scope audits: For the next round of small audits, the Council Subcommittee discussed the approach of selecting two or three audit firms so that more options are available for matching expertise with each audit assignment. Attached is a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals from interested auditors. Does the Council wish for staff to issue the RFP? Yes
8. Clarification of Council Staff’s Role in coordinating or overseeing audit of Redevelopment Agency: The City Council, acting as the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency, approved a management audit of the Redevelopment Agency. Council staff’s understanding is that the Board of Directors asked that Council Staff coordinate the audit in order to help ensure greater distance and thus objectivity and independence. Council staff believes that the draft RFP can be strengthened to clarify that the auditors are to coordinate the audit through the Council Office. In addition, Council staff has several other suggestions to the wording of the RFP. See attached RFP with suggestions in revision format.
a. Clarify that “Agency” refers to the Board of Directors and not to the RDA staff relating to authority to revise the contract, approval of draft reports, etc.
b. Clarify that the contract is to be signed by the City Council Chair rather than the Mayor since the audit is to be coordinated by the Council Office. (As an alternative, the RDA staff has indicated that RDA legal counsel could be asked to determine a way for the RDA Chair to sign; the bylaws currently stipulate that the Mayor is the official signator for RDA documents.)
c. Clarify that Council staff (audit coordinator) will be a member of the Committee to assist the Consultant.
d. Require that the proposal content also include any prior auditing or consulting experience with RDA agencies, the hourly rates for each individual to be assigned, and the estimated number of hours included in the not-to-exceed fees.
e. Modify the document to conform to the City’s purchasing process for auditors rather than the process used by RDA to negotiate fees for services and consulting.
Can Council staff work with the Purchasing Division to refine the RFP? The RDA will not be charged for services of the Purchasing Division or City Attorney’s Office since the services will be for the Council Office. Yes
9. Attached is the Quarterly Housing Report for Fiscal Year 02-03, Fourth Quarter. Would Council Members like to schedule a briefing? No discussion.
B. Council Office Policies
C. For Your Information
1. Attached is information from Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council. It includes 2002 Annual Report, 2003 Second Quarter Update, and 2003 Second Quarterly Statistical Summary for January – June.
2. Water Revenue Forecast: Attached is a memo from LeRoy Hooton regarding water revenue forecast. Because conservation has been greater than anticipated, revenue could be down as much as $3.3 million by the end of the fiscal year. The Department implemented several cost reduction measures:
1. Implemented a soft hiring freeze
2. Avoided the purchase of spot market water
3. Reduced operation and maintenance costs
4. Delayed capital equipment expenditures
5. Delayed upgrade of City Creek Treatment Plant
The good news is that water storage has not been depleted, allowing for carry-over water for next year.
A briefing will be scheduled in November (per Council Chair) when additional forecast information is available.
D. Upcoming Appointments (see goldenrod sheet)
E. Upcoming Agenda items (see goldenrod sheet)
F. Informational Mail items received (see goldenrod sheet)