City Council Announcements
September 13, 2005
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Council Member Dave Buhler would like to initiate a Legislative Action that proposes a change to park hour closure times from 11 p.m. to 10 p.m. for mini parks (1/2 acre to 5 acres) where recreational activities are taking place. Park hours would remain at 11:00 p.m. for all other parks. Does the City Council support moving this item forward by scheduling it for an upcoming Council meeting for discussion? See attached. Councilmember Buhler said Dinwoody Park needed to be included and asked staff to follow-up. He said he also wanted to receive some input from the Police Department regarding consistent signage. Councilmember Christensen said the list of parks was not accurate and needed to be updated for current council boundaries. He said the list contained five parks which were no longer in his district. Council Members were in favor of having the issue presented to Community Councils before formal action was taken. Ms. Gust-Jenson said the next step would be to have this on the Council agenda for a vote to move the issue to the Administration to ask them for additional information for the ordinance. She said Lehua was taking notes for Jan to inform her of the issues brought up by the Council.
B. For Your Information
1. Attached are several Grants Applications submitted by the City.
Additional Announcements
September 13, 2005
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Early advertising for public hearing – A land-use petition requesting to rezone 4 properties on the south side of 900 South just east of 900 East will be forwarded to the Council Office within the next few days. The rezoning would correct zoning map errors created during the 1995 City-wide Zoning Ordinance Rewrite. One of the property owners currently has a development project underway and would like to have asphalt installed before the asphalt plants close on October 15th. If the Council authorizes advertising of public hearing in advance of the briefing, the hearing can be held on Tuesday, October 11th. Without advertising in advance, the hearing will be delayed until November. Does the Council authorize advertising of the public hearing? Yes!
ADDITIONAL ITEM: Ms. Gust-Jenson said an additional item was delivered to the Council by Mr. Weeks. She said the item was a brief summary of the Leagues (League of Cities and Towns) presentation which contained resolutions that would be on their Friday’s agenda. She said it was important to find out from the Council whether Council Members wanted to support those resolutions as written, because that was what the League would be basing their legislative positions on in the coming months. She asked the Council to look at the draft resolutions. She said staff would be getting back with Council Members in the next day or two to obtain feedback.
Date: September 2, 2005
To: City Council Members
CC: Rick Graham, Rocky Fluhart, Chief Rick Dinse, Cindy Gust-Jenson,
Val Pope, Lt. Melody Gray, Diana Karrenberg,
Barry Esham,
Annette Daley, Gwen
Springmeyer, and Patty Jarvis
From: Council Member Dave Buhler
Legislative Action to request an ordinance amendment to
15.08.020 of Salt Lake City Code for mini parks relating to park closure
I am requesting that the City Council support a Legislative Action to propose a change to park hour closure times from 11 p.m. to 10 p.m. for mini parks (1/2 acre to 5 acres) where recreational activities are taking place. Park hours would remain at 11:00 p.m. for all other parks.
Section 15.08.020A of Salt Lake City Code currently states: “All public parks of the city shall be closed to the public between the hours of eleven o’clock (11:00) p.m. at night and five o’clock (5:00) a.m. the following morning.”
Mini parks are usually located in the midst of residential neighborhoods. Constituents who live near one such park have expressed concern that often times they experience disruptions to their peace and quiet due to activities and inappropriate behavior taking place in the park, commonly during late hours. Given the close proximity of numerous residential homes to mini parks in the City (refer to attached aerial maps for each park), I believe it is appropriate to have an earlier closure time of 10:00 p.m. to help alleviate the late hour disturbances that community members may be experiencing. Practically speaking, this means that park neighbors who are being disturbed may call the police at 10:00 p.m. rather than waiting until 11:00 p.m.
Issues raised by the Department of Public Services include 1) clearly defining that the hours have changed for mini parks from other City designated parks (community, special use, or neighborhood parks) to avoid potential park hour closure confusion; 2) ensure the Police Department is fully aware of the proposed ordinance change to eliminate potential confusion relating to enforcement of park closure times; and 3) costs associated to replace park signs that list the 10 p.m. park closure time. I would also like to obtain input from the police department as an ordinance is drafted and considered, as well as from affected community councils.
I would appreciate the support of the City Council in asking the City Attorney to draft an ordinance with respect to this proposed legislative action.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 9/14/2005
SUBJECT: YouthCity Non-Competitive Sports and Recreation
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Salt Lake City Foundation
DATE SUBMITTED: August 31, 2005
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 0% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Salt Lake City Foundation submitted a grant application requesting $25,000 to support the non-competitive sports and recreation programs of YouthCity during 2005/2006.
No matching funds are required.
If awarded, the grant funds will be used to:
- purchase sports and recreation equipment
- provide healthy snacks
- provide transportation for youth to the program sites after school, and
- cover program fees for youth who qualify for reduced or free-school lunch program
Summary of grant/project budget:
YouthCity Non-Competitive Sports and Recreation
Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center $5,000
Central City Recreation Center $5,000
Fairmount Park $5,000
Liberty Park North Shelter $5,000
Northwest Multi-Purpose Center $5,000
Total $25,000
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 9/14/2005
SUBJECT: YouthCity After-School, Summer & Employment Programs
FUNDING AGENCY: Herbert I. & Elsa B. Michael Foundation
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Salt Lake City Foundation
DATE SUBMITTED: August 31, 2005
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 0% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Salt Lake City Foundation submitted a grant application requesting $5,000 in general operating support for the YouthCity after-school, summer, and employment programs for fiscal year 2005/2006.
No matching funds are required.
The Herbert I. & Elsa B. Michael Foundation has supported YouthCity for the past three years.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 9/14/2005
SUBJECT: Salt Lake City Historic Cemetery
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Humanities Council
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Department of Public Services
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Susan Crook & Associates Historical Landscape Architecture; Global Artways; Jeffery Johnson, archivist and local historian; Juan Diego Catholic High School; Judge Memorial Catholic High School; Utah Heritage Foundation; YouthCity Government
DATE SUBMITTED: September 1, 2005
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 100% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Salt Lake City submitted a grant application requesting $5,000 to fund a Historic American Landscapes Survey of the Salt Lake City Cemetery and to develop a cemetery tour and exhibit that will educate the citizenry in the Salt Lake area of the significance of the cemetery as a historical, cultural and environmental resource.
Susan Crook from Susan Crook & Associates Historical Landscape Architecture met with City Council member, Eric Jergensen, about the scope of the project and the community benefits. Eric Jergensen wrote a letter of support for the project that was included in the application package submitted to the Utah Humanities Council.
The City is contributing an in-kind match of $5,045 and a cash match of $6,590 toward the project.
Summary of grant/project budget:
Utah Humanities SLC SLC
Category Council Grant In-Kind Cash Total
Personnel $0 $3,925 $0 $3,295
Postage $0 $100 $0 $100
Printing $0 $720 $0 $720
Promotion $0 $200 $0 $200
Supplies $515 $100 $485 $1,100
Telephone $0 $0 $0 $0
Travel $0 $0 $0 $0
Contract Services $4,485 $0 $6,105 $10,590
Total $5,000 $5,045 $6,590 $16,635