2002 Council Announcements

September 2, 2002


City Council Announcements

September 3, 2002



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


Ms. Gust-Jenson said there was a draft of a Resolution recognizing September 11 at the September 10, 2002 City Council meeting.  She said an E-m of the resolution would be sent.

She requested Council Members forward any feedback.  She passed an invitation to Council Members from the Red Cross to participate in the September 11, 2002 memorial services.  A discussion was held regarding the many memorial services being held for that date.


1. Attached is the Quarterly Housing Report for Fiscal Year 01-02, Fourth Quarter. 

      Would Council Members like to schedule a briefing?


All Council Members were in favor of scheduling a briefing.  Councilmember Christensen asked why some of the projects were still listed on the report.  He asked the narratives be up dated or removed.  A discussion was held regarding projects being in correct districts.  Councilmember Christensen said he was concerned with number of renters who attended the Council meeting to lobby for funding.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said housing advocates would hope that the Council would be willing to address a broad spectrum including “exclusionary zoning”.


2. Coordination with the Salt Lake City School Board:  Council Member Eric Jergensen would like to suggest that the Council and School Board set up one or more subcommittees to work together on issues in collaboration with the Administration from both entities.  The first issue could be collaboration on youth programs -- current status, short and long-term goals.  A second issue could be how to help make the City more family friendly. 


      Council Member Jergensen is suggesting working groups in order to move issues of mutual interest and concern forward.


      If the Council is agreeable to this, he would like to suggest a meeting during the second week in September.


      Would the Council like to form a subcommittee?

All Council Members were in favor of a subcommittee.  Council Members Jergensen and Christensen would be on the committee.  Councilmember Buhler directed the subcommittee to discuss after school programs first and then explore other issues. 



3. Attached are the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council Workshop Agenda for the August 23, 2002 meeting and Minutes for the June 21, 2002 meeting. The report is routine in nature. Agenda items include: Presentation of 2001 Annual Report, Statistical Summary: January ~ June 2002, Major Goals and Programs for 2002 – Mid-year Progress Report, Review of 2002 Capital Improvement Project Requests, and the Status of Fee Increase Request from ECDC. The Council may wish to note the section of the June 21, 2002 minutes where the fee increase request is discussed.


      Does the Council request a briefing?

All Council Members were in favor of not having a briefing.



4. Property Conveyance: Property owners at 1668 Federal Pointe Drive are requesting to realign a bike path to be less steep. The new easement will be an equal exchange for the old easement. A less steep alignment should reduce the possibility of injuries to bikers.

      Does the Council request a hearing?

All Council Members were in favor of not having a hearing except Councilmember Saxton.  .


5.  Building Security and Access

To access the offices at night and after-hours, the handicap door on the eastside of the building can be opened by using the barcode reader and a punch pad for an access code.

For the barcode reader, Council Members have the choice between a credit-card style tools or what is called a “key fob” which is a small tube-sized tool that can be placed on a key chain. Please let either Vicki or Lehua know which tool you would prefer and your four-digit number that you have selected to be your access code.


6. “El Día de los Niños” Resolution (The day of the Children)

Ms. Barbara Lovejoy, a bilingual teacher for the 4th, 5th and 6th grades at Jackson Elementary, has contacted the Council Office and requested that the Council consider adopting a resolution, which identifies April 30th as El Día de los Niños. (See attached for suggested resolution language.) El Día de los Niños is a day to, “celebrate and uplift young Latinos and all children.” Ms. Lovejoy will assist in forming a committee to advance the activities and attitudes that the resolution promotes.


The resolution for El Día de los Niños was introduced by Senator Orrin Hatch and passed by Congress. El Día de los Niños is also celebrated in cities through Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin. Support and direction for cities and organizations to become more involved in children and to begin the process for El Día de los Niños comes from the National Latino Children’s Institute (NLCI). (Information gained from the NLCI website, www.nlci.org.)


Would Council Members like to advance the proposed resolution?


All Council Members were in favor on advancing the proposed resolution.


B. Council Office Policies


C. For Your Information


D. Meetings