Additional City Council Announcements
September 22, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. The alcohol survey is ready for your final approval. Attached is a copy for your review. Please let staff know as soon as possible if you have any changes. As a reminder the focus group meetings are being scheduled. The focus group participants may be asked to respond to the survey.
Hello, I’m __________________from Dan Jones & Associates. We are conducting a survey for Salt Lake City on some important local issues. May I speak with someone 21 years of age or older?
1. First…do you live within the boundaries of Salt Lake City?
Yes 1
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 3
Thinking about your own neighborhood - the area within 3-4 blocks of your home…
2. What do you like most about living in Salt Lake City?
3. What do you like least about living in Salt Lake City?
When you think about your ‘ideal’ neighborhood – how close would you like to be to the following… (ROTATE)
Walking Short Longer
Distance drive drive Don’t
= 5 min. 10 min. more than 1 Know
4. Access to buses and TRAX 1 2 3 4
5. Small markets 1 2 3 4
6. Grocery stores 1 2 3 4
7. Retail shops – like coffee shops, book stores,
and cafes 1 2 3 4
8. Bar, tavern and pub 1 2 3 4
ADD: For the rest of this survey, a
bar, tavern and pub will be referred to as an alcohol establishment
9. Services like dental or health, attorney offices
dance or music classes 1 2 3 4
10. Cultural facilities like libraries, museums, and
art galleries. 1 2 3 4
11. Entertainment and restaurants 1 2 3 4
This next set of questions is about office and retail facilities…that is stores or restaurants.
Are the following types of retail facilities CURRENTLY in your neighborhood?
Yes No Know
12. Small neighborhood-oriented businesses 1 2 3
13. Large retail or super center stores 1 2 3
14. Small groups of businesses that create a cluster
- like on 9th East and 9th South 1 2 3
15. A mix of small and large retail facilities 1 2 3
16. Office buildings 1 2 3
17. Overall, would you say that having retail facilities in your neighborhood is more positive or negative?
Definitely positive 1
Probably positive 2
Neither positive nor negative 3
Probably negative 4
Definitely negative 5
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 7
18. IF POSITIVE: What are the positive aspects of having retail facilities in your neighborhood?
19. IF NEGATIVE: What are the negative aspects of having retail facilities in your neighborhood?
20. Are there any types of retail or commercial facilities you would not like to have in your neighborhood?
And which of the following specific types of retail and services are currently in your neighborhood? Which would you like in your ‘ideal’ neighborhood? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)
Currently Want
Don’t Don’t
Yes No Know Yes No know
21. coffee shop/ juice bar 1 2 3 1 2 3
23. small gift/ clothing shops 1 2 3 1 2 3
25. neighborhood grocery store/ market 1 2 3 1 2 3
27. pharmacy 1 2 3 1 2 3
29. full-service restaurant that does not serve alcohol 1 2 3 1 2 3
31. full-service restaurant that serves alcohol 1 2 3 1 2 3
33. bakery/ deli 1 2 3 1 2 3
35. gas station 1 2 3 1 2 3
37. bookstore 1 2 3 1 2 3
39. video/ music store 1 2 3 1 2 3
41. beauty salons/ barber shops/ day spa 1 2 3 1 2 3
43. alcohol establishment 1 2 3 1 2 3
45. small offices like doctor or dentist 1 2 3 1 2 3
How important is it to you that there are rules and regulations to address the following when various retail and commercial buildings are in a residential area? Please rate on a 1-5 scale with 1 meaning ‘not at all important’ and 5 meaning ‘very important.’
How important do you think regulation of the following are: (READ OPTIONS)
Not at all Very Don’t
Important Important know
47. parking in neighborhoods 1 2 3 4 5 6
48. noise in neighborhoods 1 2 3 4 5 6
49. hours of operation of businesses
and services in neighborhoods 1 2 3 4 5 6
50. the number of retail stores, restaurants
or office buildings in any one area 1 2 3 4 5 6
51. the number of alcohol
establishments in any one area 1 2 3 4 5 6
52. signs and advertising on buildings 1 2 3 4 5 6
53. placement of refuse container 1 2 3 4 5 6
54. Overall, do you feel current
alcohol zoning laws improve the quality of life in Salt Lake City or do they
detract from the quality of life in the city?
Definitely improve 1
Probably improve 2
Don’t affect 3
Probably detract 4
Definitely detract 5
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 6
Salt Lake City zoning laws relating to alcohol are currently more strict (stringent) than the State law. The City is considering changes in its alcohol laws relating to zoning throughout the city and downtown areas.
55. In general, do you feel Salt Lake City’s zoning laws relating to alcohol should be more or less strict or remain as it currently is?
Definitely more strict 1
Probably more strict 2
Neither / about the same as now 3
Probably less strict 4
Definitely less strict 5
Depends (SPECIFY) 6
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 7
56. [ IF MORE STRICT] In what ways would you like it to be stricter?
57. [IF MORE LIBERAL] In what ways would like the laws or zoning to be less strict?
As you may know, Utah’s statute has no limitation on the number of alcohol establishments in a given area. Salt Lake City designates that no more than two establishments may be located in a downtown city block. (The downtown core area is generally South Temple to 600 South and from 2nd East to 500 W)
58. In your opinion, should Salt Lake City change its requirement and allow more than two establishments in a given downtown block?
Definitely should drop requirement 1
Probably should drop 2
Don’t care (DO NOT READ) 3
Probably should not 4
Definitely should not drop requirement 5
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 6
There are areas of Salt Lake that are zoned for business and commercial uses, have several business currently located there, and are in neighborhood type areas like 9th and 9th and 15th and 15th .
59. In your opinion should alcohol establishments be allowed in these business zones which are adjacent to residential areas?
Definitely should 1
Probably should 2
Don’t care (DO NOT READ) 3
Probably should not 4
Definitely should not 5
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 6
60. And how about areas of the city that are zoned commercial but may have a smaller concentration of businesses like 1300 South and 1700 East, areas along South Temple, or business areas in the Avenues? Should alcohol establishments be allowed in these business zones which are adjacent to residential areas?
Definitely should 1
Probably should 2
Don’t care (DO NOT READ) 3
Probably should not 4
Definitely should not 5
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 6
61. There are some areas of the city that have only one business – like a convenience store and are in (adjacent) to residential areas? Should a bar or alcohol establishment be allowed in these areas?
Definitely should 1
Probably should 2
Don’t care (DO NOT READ) 3
Probably should not 4
Definitely should not 5
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 6
62. Should alcohol establishments be allowed as stand-alone businesses in a neighborhood or only when there are other commercial businesses around them or neither?
Allowed as stand alone 1
Only with other businesses 2
Neither 3
Depends (SPECIFY) 4
Don’t know (DO NOT READ) 5
Please add the following questions:
63. Can you think of an area in or near
your neighborhood where an alcohol establishment would be APPROPRIATE?
64. Can you think of an area in or near
your neighborhood where an alcohol establishment would be INAPPROPRIATE?
What positive aspects, if any, might there be with having an alcohol establishment close to your neighborhood? (UNAIDED – MARK ALL MENTIONED)
Ment. Ment.
65. Reduces driving/ can walk 1 2
66. Reduces driving after drinking/ need for taxi 1 2
67. Brings life/ nightlife to area 1 2
68. Gathering place 1 2
69. Attracting people to live in area 1 2
70. Convenient 1 2
71. Good for Salt Lake City/ Utah’s/ neighborhood’s image 1 2
72. Nothing positive 1 2
73. Other (SPECIFY)
1 2
What negative aspects, if any, might there be with having an alcohol establishment close to your neighborhood? (UNAIDED – MARK ALL MENTIONED)
Ment. Ment.
74. Parking 1 2
75. Noise and light 1 2
76. People 1 2
77. Design/ look/ appearance 1 2
78. Crime 1 2
79. Drunk driving issues 1 2
80. Out door smoking 1 2
(CONT.) Not
Ment. Ment.
81. Litter/ trash (bottles, broken glass, cigarettes, grime) 1 2
82. Other (SPECIFY) 1 2
Traffic 1
Now, just a few questions about yourself in order to categorize the data:
84. Gender (DO NOT ASK)
Male 1
Female 2
85. What is your age category?
18-25 1
26-35 2
36-45 3
46-55 4
56-65 5
Over 65 6
Refuse (DO NOT READ) 7
86. Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
Caucasian/ White 1
African-American/ Black 2
Asian or Pacific Islander 3
Hispanic/ Latino 4
Other (specify______) 5
Refuse (DO NOT READ) 6
87. How long have you lived in Salt Lake City?
Less than 2 years 1
2 – 5 years 2
5 – 10 years 3
More than 10 years 4
Refuse (DO NOT
88. And, how long have you lived in your current residence?
Less than 2 years 1
2 – 5 years 2
5 – 10 years 3
More than 10 years 4
Refuse (DO NOT
89. Do you rent or own your home?
Homeowner 1
Renter 2
Other 3
Refuse (DO NOT READ) 4
90. And, which of the following, if any, describes your religious preference?
Catholic 1
Protestant 2
Other 4
None 5
Refuse (DO NOT READ) 6
91. What is your approximate annual family income category?
Less than $15,000 1
$15,000 - $24,999 2
$25,000 - $34,999 3
$35,000 - $44,999 4
$45,000 - $54,999 5
$55,000 - $64,999 6
$65,000 - $100,000 7
Over $100,000 8
Refuse (DO NOT READ) 9
92. City District:
District 1 1
District 2 2
District 3 3
District 4 4
District 5 5
District 6 6
District 7 7