2001 Council Announcements

September 4, 2001


City Council Announcements

September 4, 2001


A.    Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. National League of Cities Conference:  To be held in Atlanta on December 5-8, 2001.  Please indicate if you desire to attend leadership sessions on December 4 or 5 (additional cost).  Rebecca needs to know your plans by September 14 in order to process the registration before the early-registration discount deadline. 

                  Attend Conference Attend Leadership Sessions

Carlton Christensen           Yes               No

Van Turner              ?                 ?

Tom Rogan               No                No

Nancy Saxton                  Yes               ?(Committee meeting on Dec. 5)

Roger Thompson          Yes, if re-elected            ?

Dave Buhler             Yes               ?

Keith Christensen             No                No

(Note:  In December 2002, this conference will be held in Salt Lake City.) 


2. Parley’s Rails, Trails, and Tunnel Coalition: Dated June 28, 2001, Mayor Anderson submitted a letter to Salt Lake City Department Directors requesting that all City staff support the efforts of the Parley's Rails, Trails, and Tunnel (PRATT) Coalition to create a trail along the Parley's Creek Corridor. Lisa Romney, Administrative Assistant for Environmental and Intergovernmental Relations, asked for a letter from the Council expressing their support for the efforts being made by the PRATT Coalition to be included in the PRATT portfolio.  Does Council approve the attached letter?


All Council Members present were in favor of the letter.


3. LEGISLATIVE ACTION ITEM:  Council Member Roger Thompson would like to request that the Administration amend the “Sidewalk Use Restrictions” ordinance to establish requirements and civil penalties relating to the obstruction of walkways.  Currently, provisions and penalties exist pertaining to snow and ice removal, however, none exist to address the issue of other obstructions, such as shrubbery and tree branches.   Would the Council support this request or would the Council Members prefer to discuss this request further during a work session briefing?

All Council Members present were in favor of further discussion.


4. November Meetings - Would the Council like to move the November 8 Work Session to November 1 to accommodate an Olympic Dinner.?

All Council Members present were in favor  of moving the session.


5. December Meetings - Does the Council want to re-schedule the meetings in December? NLC Congress of Cities in Atlanta is December 4-8. This interferes with the meetings on Tuesday the 4th and Thursday the 6th.

All Council Members present were in favor  of re-scheduling the meeting December.


6. PROPERTY CONVEYANCES: Below are two conveyances.  Do Council Members wish to hold hearings?


i)    Utah Science Center, 209 East 500 South, to occupy the old Salt Lake City Library building. The term of the agreement is ten years with two ten-year renewal options upon written request from the Science Center. Compensation will be $1.00 per year and upkeep and maintenance of the building.

ii)   4th South Viaduct between 500 and 600 West, 3 year lease, $730/month. WRR industries has buildings on both sides of the viaduct; the land will be used for parking. This will place the responsibility for upkeep and security on WRR; currently the vacant land creates a “hidden area to drink and sleep,” as well as campfires.

All Council Members present were in favor  of holding public hearings.

A.    Council Office Policies


B.    For Your Information


C.    Meetings