2003 Council Announcements

September 4, 2003


City Council Announcements

September 2, 2003


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. Ms. Gust-Jenson said the first announcement could be skipped because it was about what the Council just approved. 


2.  She said the second item was about a City Creek Tour.  Some people said they were interested.  She said there was a proposal to bring City Creek above ground.  No decision was made.


3. Board Reappointments: The following Police Civilian Review Board Members were recently interviewed and appointed, and their terms expired on September 1, 2003. Nancy Applebee, Masood Ul-Hasan and Teddi Velarde. Would Council Members object to approving their reappointment without an interview? If approved, their new terms would extend through September 4, 2006.  No interviews were needed.


4. Property Conveyances:

a. Easement at 1099 S. West Temple. No compensation. The easements were granted in error; the facilities are private. This transaction clears the City of all involvement.  No hearing was needed.


b. 36 W Freemont. No compensation. The easements were granted in error; the facilities are private. This transaction clears the City of all involvement.  No hearing was needed.


c. Airport growth: The City seeks to purchase property to reduce the possibility of future non-compatible land use. 116 acres of vacant land at 2200 North 3200 West (Gilmore property). The Airport Director requests that if a hearing needs to be scheduled that it be set for September 16 since the cost to the Airport increases daily. Additional information is attached.  This one needed to be pulled.  


d. Sale of 2 parcels at Airport 2: both parcels are separated from the airport by Jordan Parkway Road, therefore they do not have any airport related purposes. Parcel 1 is located northwest of the corner of 4000 West (Jordan Landing Boulevard) and 7800 South, 6.47 acres. Parcel 2 is located at 6600 South and Jordan Landing Boulevard, 10.95 acres. The Airport Board has approved, the Planning Commission has approved. Compensation will be based on 2 separate independent appraisal reports.  Councilmember Christensen wanted this issue verified and brought back to the Council on Tuesday.  On September 9, 2003 Ray McCandless from the Planning Division wrote that Planning did not have any concerns with this property conveyance.  He wrote It was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on August 13, 2003 with no comments or conditions.  He said Planning did not see a need to pull or postpone this item. 


B. Council Office Policies


1. There has been some confusion regarding when lunch meetings are charged to a Council Member’s Communication Budget and when they are covered by the Council’s regular budget. Does the Council approve of the attached Council policy revision regarding lunch meetings – Item A37.c and A40.a?  Council accepted as is.


A37.   DINING EXPENSES (10/98)


a.    When Council Members are invited to attend a breakfast, luncheon or dinner that requires a fee to be paid, the expense is paid via the Council Office budget when the cost is for the meal only.  If the cost is higher than an amount commonly charged for a meal, as in a fundraising event which includes a meal, the Council Office will initially pay the entire amount.  However, the Council Office budget will ultimately cover only that portion of the expense that is for the meal (up to a maximum of $15 for a luncheon and $30 for a dinner).  The Council Member is responsible to reimburse the Council Office for any amount beyond the meal expense.

b.    Council Members may request a working lunch with Council staff members.  In these instances, the Council Office will reimburse staff for lunch expenses.  Council staff may make a meal allowance request via payroll for $8.00 or submit receipt for direct reimbursement of their portion of the meal. 




a.  Each Council district will have a communication budget to be used by the Council Member for communicating with constituents within his/her district; it is not structured for media communications.  Funds in the district communication budget will be expended at the Council Member’s discretion and may include, but not be limited to, newsletters, postcards, mass mailings, flyers, refreshments, lunch meetings, etc.

b.  Each district’s communication budget will total approximately $3,700 per calendar year.  This amount can be amended annually by a vote of the full Council. 

c.  Council staff will provide a quarterly accounting to each Council Member on the status of funds in the district’s communication budget.  If a district’s communication budget is fully expended prior to the end of the calendar year, it will remain at a zero balance until the beginning of the next calendar year.  If a district’s communication budget is not fully expended by the end of the calendar year, and the Council Member is continuing in office, the Council Member may choose to spend remaining funds in the first six months of the next calendar year or allow remaining funds to go toward capital needs of the Council Office.


C. For Your Information

D. Upcoming Appointments (see attached goldenrod sheet)

E. Upcoming Agenda items (see attached goldenrod sheet)

F. Informational Mail items received (see attached goldenrod sheet)