2004 Council Announcements

September 7, 2004


City Council Announcements

September 7, 2004



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1.  Ground Transportation Issues and/or Subcommittee. As the City Council Executive Director has mentioned, staff is making a list of outstanding issues regarding amendments to ordinances regulating the ground transportation industry, including taxicabs. One outstanding issue involves how the City Council plans to address the remaining issues. In listening to the audio of the City Council's work session August 24, the City Council discussed either addressing remaining issues through a study or through a subcommittee. However, discussions on the audio recording indicated that no firm decision was made, including whether to form a subcommittee and who might be on the subcommittee. Some Council Members have indicated an interest in serving on the committee. The Council Chair has suggested a subcommittee made up of Council Members Carlton Christensen, David Buhler, and Nancy Saxton. How does the City Council wish to approach the issues?  Councilmember Buhler said he would serve on the subcommittee.  Councilmember Saxton said she would serve but felt scheduling might be a problem and suggested having only 2 members on the subcommittee.  Councilmember Christensen said he could serve.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said they would work on the scheduling.


2. NLC Conference, Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, Indianapolis, Indiana: Attached are a schedule and list of workshops. The web address for further information is: http://www.nlc.org. Are any Council Members interested in attending? Ms. Gust-Jenson asked Council Members to let staff know as soon as possible so rooms could be reserved, etc.   Councilmember Christensen said he would not attend this year.


3. Council District Newsletters

In order to better coordinate staff time and work schedules, it would be helpful for Council Members to begin to think now about when they wish to publish and mail district newsletters for the coming year.  This approach will help us allocate staff resources, and will also help ensure that Council Members will be able to reserve space if the utility mailing option is selected.  We recognize that Council Members may need to send out issue / problem specific mailings on short notice, but planning ahead on the larger items will be very helpful. 


Three options:


Option One:     Council Members may wish to continue to insert a double-sided 8 ½ X 11” newsletter into the public utility bills.  The advantage to this approach is that there is a very low cost associated with this method.  The disadvantage is that the inserts are mailed only to utility customers.  Apartment tenants and residents of multiple-unit dwellings do not receive the inserts.  Another disadvantage is that only certain months are available because of commitments to insert the SLC News, Public Utilities’ pamphlets or other brochures approved by the Mayor.  The mailing contractor’s stuffing equipment jams if more than one tri-fold is inserted.  


In 2005, the months of February, June, August, September and November are presently available.  Several district newsletters can be inserted in the same month since each billing address will not have more than one insert. The Department of Public Utilities recommends reserving space for newsletters at least five months in advance.


Option Two:     Council Members may wish to mail a four-page 11 ½ X 17” newsletter via the post office.  This newsletter will reach all residents; however, the cost associated with this method uses nearly all of the Council Member’s communication budget for the year.


Option Three:  Council Members may wish to mail a double-sided 8 ½ X 11” newsletter via the post office.  This newsletter will reach all residents and is less costly than the four-page newsletter.  The disadvantage is that Council Members are limited to a small amount of space with this option.


If you desire to insert a newsletter in the public utility bill, you may wish to designate a particular month well in advance.  [Reminder: Newsletters for those running for office in 2005 should be mailed at least 10 weeks prior to the primary election according to Council policy.]


Could Council Members plan when and how they would like to publish newsletters and let their district liaison know? Ms. Gust-Jenson asked Council Members to give the issue some thought.


4. Council Policy regarding Council staff role during municipal elections

      Do Council Members approve of the following changes to the Council Member Policy Manual?  Yes.



a.  To assure appropriate separation between Council staff and Council Member campaigns, during Salt Lake City municipal elections, the Council staff shall remain completely removed from the municipal election process.  Staff shall arrange meetings for Council Members that are directly related to City or Council district issues.  All phone calls, letters or announcements regarding candidate events or meetings will be referred to the Council Member.  If Council Members do not wish to have campaign calls referred directly to them, they can provide a name and phone number of a campaign contact.


b.  The Council staff shall not have any involvement in the municipal election or re-election process of Salt Lake City; answer phone inquiries regarding the elections (these calls are transferred to the City Recorder); show support for any municipal candidate; type, copy, fax, telephone or e-mail any campaign or election-related materials; state candidates’ views; arrange community meetings relating to campaigns or elections; work outside the standard complaint resolution process to get a quick response as a campaign favor; arrange meetings or luncheons that are personal, campaign, election or fund raising in nature; obtain mailing lists or information intended for campaign use; respond to press inquiries regarding the elections.


B. For Your Information


1. Attached are several grant applications submitted by the City.



Additional issue:  Ms. Gust-Jenson said in the 1995 zoning rewrite it turned out that in the D-4 zone (Salt Palace area)  we should have made a technical correction after that and so we need to process that now to allow for the Salt Palace expansion to continue.  She said because of timing issues and how that needs to be completed it was recommended that the Council process the correction at the same time the RFP’s were being processed by the County.  She said this was an error and not a previous policy decision.  Councilmember Christensen asked if the Planning Commission or the Administration requesting the petition.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said she understood they would like to have this move forward.