City Council Announcements
September 7, 2010
A. 3:09:00 PM Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Due to two Council Members duties with the Utah League of Cities and towns annual convention on September 14th, and the fact that one Council Member will be in Washington DC with the Salt Lake Chamber on that day, the Council Chair and Vice Chair recommend moving the RDA board meeting from September 14th to September 21st. RDA Staff indicates that there is nothing time sensitive that cannot wait until September 21st, and is supportive of the change.
Are Council Members comfortable with this change?
All Council Members agreed with the change. All Council Members were in favor of holding a City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. for a vote on Public Utilities bond with four or five members present.
2. Council staff is in the process of coordinating the next quarterly school board meeting with Council leadership (Council Chair Martin, Vice Chair Love, and RDA Chair Garrott). Council staff is waiting to hear from the school board on their agenda items and will provide to the Council once staff learns of their agenda items. However, the following agenda items from the Council at this point in time are:
a) Equalization,
b) Nuisance properties at 1064 and 1070 Roberta St., potential site for community learning center,
c) Glendale Community Learning Center.
d) Election boundaries
Are there other agenda items Council Members wish to add?
3. The EDCUtah (Economic Development Corporation of Utah) is having their annual meeting at the Grand America on October 20, 2010 at 7:30am. The keynote speaker is Ben Stein a renowned economist, lawyer, educator, commentator, writer, actor, screenwriter and entertainer. The cost to attend is $100 per person.
Some of the Council Members have already indicated they would like to attend. In the past the Council office has paid for the full price of the ticket to events like this.
Does the Council support the office paying for the cost of the event?
Are there any other Council Members interested in attending?
Carlton and JT will attend. Councilmember Christensen asked if anyone from the administration would attend. And if so should they share a table.
4. Council Member Van Turner has expressed interest in attending the Rail-Volution 2010 conference in Portland, Oregon, October 17-21. The cost is $425 for conference registration, plus lodging at $169-189 per night, plus the airline ticket. The Rail-Volution is not one of the regularly-scheduled conferences that Council Members generally attend during the year. Council Member Turner would miss one Council meeting.
Do Council Members approve/oppose this request?
All Council Members were in favor. Councilmember Turner received a scholarship from Utah Transit Authority.
National League of Cities and Towns will be held in Denver December 2, 2010.
Friday and Saturday, December 5 and 6 will be the tour days with Frank Gray. Please let staff know for registration purposes.
B. Follow-up Items from Public Comments
1. $100,000 for Jobs Training Program to Curb Panhandlng.
Councilmember Garrott said people could get training by working in community gardens.