2.  Definitions: 


A.     Grant Acquisition:  Process of acquiring funds or materials through discretionary grant programs, both private and public.


B.     Grant Administrator:  Individual responsible for fiscal management of grant funds and financial reporting of grant funds.


C.     Grant Matrix:  A spreadsheet, found at Citynet on ‘Slcicom\Data’(L) Grants\Grant Tracking, identifying grants in five categories. 


1.     Pending:  Completed grant applications submitted to the funding agency.

2.     Received:  Grant applications awarded.

3.     Not Received:  Grant applications declined for funding by funding agency.

4.     Research:  Grant opportunities waiting for submission decision from Department and/or Division.

5.     Open:  Awarded grants that are active.


D.     Grant Writer:  Individual assigned to evaluate grant application elements and produce final application document for submission to a funding agency.


E.     Grant Coordinator:  Individual assigned by Department and/or Division responsible for developing program and providing information required by the grant application.  The Grant Coordinator has authority to approve program elements and budget.