3.  Procedures  (see attached flowchart)


A.     Department, Division, or Grant Writer identifies grant opportunity.


B.     Department and/or Division reviews the grant opportunity to determine if it meets the strategic plan and funding needs.


1.     On some occasions, grants require multi-department and/or private sector participation.

2.     Department and/or Division and Grant Writer will identify potential partners, when necessary.

3.     Department and/or Division is responsible for securing partner(s) participation.


C.     Grant Writer provides feed back to Department and/or Division on eligibility requirement and logs grant opportunity on Grant Matrix Research page.


D.     Department and/or Division decide whether or not to pursue the grant and notifies Grant Office of decision.


1.     If yes, then Department and/or Division assign a Grant Coordinator.


a.     Department and/or Division decides to produce application internally or

b.     Asks Grant Office to assign a Grant Writer to complete the grant application.


2.     If no, then the Grant Office updates Grant Matrix Research page and no further action is required.


E.     Grant Coordinator is responsible for providing all technical, program, and budget information to the Grant Writer.


F.      Grant Writer is responsible for preparing and completing all required grant application elements including forms, narrative, and attachments.


G.     Grant Writer determines additional grant application elements to be secured by Grant Coordinator (i.e. letters of support, letters of commitment, Memorandum of Understanding, etc.)


H.     Grant Writer coordinates development of project budget with Grant Administrator.


I.      Grant Coordinator approves final draft of grant application.


J.      Grant Writer submits grant application to City Attorney’s Office to be “Approved As To Form”.


K.     Once “Approved As To Form,” Grant Writer submits two original copies of grant application to Mayor for approval and signature. 


1.     Mayor prefers to sign documents during City Council meetings. 

2.     Grant applications should be submitted for signature no later than the afternoon of a City Council meeting.

3.     Grant Writer provides Assistant to the Mayor with electronic copy of cover letters, if applicable.


L.      After Mayor’s signature has been obtained, Grant Writer submits grant application to funding agency.  (If grant application is generated by Department and/or Division, then Grant Coordinator is responsible for notifying Grant Office of submission.)


M.     Grant Writer submits notification of grant application submission to City Council.


N.     Grant Writer updates Grant Matrix Pending page.


O.     Grant Writer provides second original of submitted grant application to Grant Coordinator.


P.     When Grant Coordinator receives grant funding decision, they are responsible for notifying Grant Writer and Grant Administrator.


1.     If grant is awarded, Grant Coordinator forwards original award document and second original grant application to Grant Administrator.

2.     Grant Coordinator provides copy of funding decision notification to Grant Writer.


Q.     Following notification of funding decision, Grant Writer updates Grant Matrix Received and Not Received pages, as appropriate.


R.     Grant Writer requests reviewer comments from funding agency, if available.


S.     Refer to Grant Administration Procedures for budget opening and grant administration procedures.