4.01.02 Monitoring of Radio and Telephone Conversations


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         City Attorney's Office


KEYWORDS:            Telephone, Radio, Conversations, Recording, Monitoring, Wiretaps, Communications.

1.      General


1.1   Salt Lake City does not record or monitor its employees’ telephone and radio conversations except in the case of:


A.    Electronic communications in which an employee is being trained and monitoring the employee is a normal part of the training process;


B.    Police and Fire Dispatch electronic communications;


C.    Airport Control Center electronic communications;


D.    Electronic communications recorded or monitored within the scope and duties of a police or fire investigation:


1.     When the person monitoring the communication is a party to the communication; or,


2.     When one of the parties to the communication gives prior consent to the recording or monitoring of the communication.


E.     A City employee, not acting within the scope and duties of a police or fire investigation, but who is:


1.     Acting with the prior consent of one of the parties and the recording is necessary to protect the City and/or its employees; or,


2.     A party to the communication and the recording is necessary to protect the City and/or its employees.


1.2.  This order shall not restrict any interceptions made:


A.    Pursuant to court orders;


B.    Pursuant to any pen register or trap and trace device authorized by law;


C.    To record the fact that an electronic communication was initiated or completed; or,


D.    To record the numbers of the electronic communication devices used.


1.3   Definitions:


A.    Electronic communication:  any transfer of signals containing the human voice.


CURRENT REFERENCES:      U.C.A. 77-23a-4(7)(a)

                                                U.C.A. 77-23a-4(7)(b)

                                                U.S.C. 2511(2)(c)

                                                U.S.C. 2511(2)(d)




EFFECTIVE DATE:               October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:                 September 6, 1995