Affected Employee        An employee whose job requires him/her to operate or use a machine or equipment on which servicing or maintenance is being performed under lockout or tagout or whose job requires him/her to work in an area in which such servicing or maintenance is being performed.


Authorized Employee           A person who locks or implements a tagout system procedure on machines or equipment to perform the servicing or maintenance on that machine or equipment.  An authorized employee and an affected employee may be the same when the affected employee’s duties also include performing maintenance or servicing on a machine or equipment which must be under lockout/tagout.


Capable of Being Locked Out An energy isolating device is capable of being locked out if it has a hasp or other means of attachment to which, or through which, a lock can be affixed, or it has a locking mechanism built into it.  Other energy isolating devices are capable of being locked out, if lockout can be achieved without the need to dismantle, rebuild, or replace the energy isolating device or permanently alter its energy control capability.


Energized                          Connected to an energy source or containing residual or stored energy.


Energy Isolating Device       A mechanical device that physically prevents the

                                transmission or release of energy.  Push buttons, selector switches and other control circuit type of devices are not energy isolating devices.


Energy Source                   Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other type of energy.


Hazardous Energy              The unexpected release of energy or “stored” energy upon machines or equipment which could cause injury to employees.


Lockout                            The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device in accordance with an established procedure ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.


Lockout Device                  A device that utilizes a positive means such as a lock, key or combination to hold an energy isolating device in the safe position and prevent the energizing of a machine or equipment.


Servicing and/or Maintenance         Work place activity such as constructing, installing, setting

                                up, adjusting, inspecting, modifying, and maintaining and/or servicing machines or equipment.


Tagout                             Placement of a tagout device on an energy isolating device in accordance with an established procedure to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not operate until a tagout device is removed.


Tagout Device                    A prominent warning device such as a tag and a means of attachment which can be securely fastened to an energy isolating device in accordance with an established procedure to indicate that the energy isolation device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until a tagout device is removed.






Questions concerning this procedure will be addressed by: