Electronic Communications Procedure


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY: Information Management Services


KEYWORDS: email, instant messaging, web 2.0, forum, wiki, blog, text message, SMS, MMS, texting, cell phone, social media, FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace,


1. General

The City encourages the appropriate use of all methods of communicating internally and with the public. This includes the use of both internal technologies such as email, instant messaging (IM), web pages, and teleconferencing, as well as external technologies such as FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace, and others.


2. Privacy

Employees are not entitled to any expectation of privacy associated with the use of any communications technology used to conduct City business. This includes:


      Computers whether owned by the City, the employee, or some third party used to conduct City business and any and all City business related information on the computer may be subject to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA. This includes desktop computers, notebook computers, email appliances, netbook computers, and any other computing device used to conduct City business.


      Computers or computing devices used to conduct City business and owned by employees may NOT be searched, analyzed, or examined for any purpose other than human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure or information requests under GRAMA. Written authorization from the Attorney’s Office must be obtained prior to conducting any research or analysis of employee owned computers or computing devices.


      Servers and other networks and devices owned by a third party. The use of a third party’s email servers, web servers, or any other technology in the conduct of City business may make those third party systems subject to the same scrutiny as if it were a City owned system even though legal action may be required to acquire the information. This includes but is not limited to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA.


      Cell phones. Whether owned by the City, the employee, or some third party including smartphones such as BlackBerrys, iPhones, Treos, Windows Mobile devices, or any other mobile communication device used to conduct City business and any and all information contained thereon may be subject to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA.


      Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). Personal digital devices, whether owned by the City, the employee, or a third party such as PalmPilots, iPads, etc. and any and all information on the device may be subject to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA.


      Personal equipment used for City business. Personal equipment, regardless of the type of equipment or the extent to which it was used to conduct City business is subject to the same policies and procedures as City owned equipment.


3. Personal Use

In accordance with the City’s Acceptable Use policy, except for de minimus use, employee use of City electronic communication technology not directly related to City business is prohibited.


Personal correspondence sent or received on City technology regardless of the type of technology may be reviewed by City staff.


Communications made as an individual without reference to City position on non-city technology are not governed by this procedure. However, communications made in an official capacity are covered by this procedure.


4. Standards of Conduct

Employees are reminded of the requirement to conduct themselves appropriately in all City correspondence as outlined in the Employee Standards of Conduct policy.


Employees are required to be respectful of individuals and groups in their communications related to City business.


Use of profane, vulgar, inflammatory, disrespectful, or derogatory language is unprofessional and is not appropriate in any City correspondence.


5. Records Retention

Employees are reminded that all electronic communication messages are governmental records and are subject to the same statutes, ordinances, policies, and procedures as their printed counterparts.


Employees are required to appropriately manage the retention and disposition of electronic communications records for which they are responsible.


Records deleted or altered which are required to be retained must be restored. Employees needing assistance must call the IMS Help Desk.


6. Roles and Responsibilities

Employees should understand the role they hold in the various types of electronic communications as the records retention requirements are different based on the employee’s role:

      Sender. Employees that originate a message and send it to another person or persons are the senders of the communication. The sender has the primary responsibility for ensuring messages related to City business are consistent with the City’s position on the specific topic, are appropriately managed, and comply with the applicable policies and procedures for the specific type of communication.


      Receiver. Employees to whom a message is sent are the receivers regardless of whether they are the primary recipient of the message or were “cc’d”. The receiver has responsibility to ensure messages related to City business not originating from a City system, such as from a constituent or a member of the public, are appropriately managed and comply with the applicable policies and procedures for the specific type of message.


      Creator. Employees generating new information or content related to City business for a web page or a social media site are creators of content. Creators of content related to City business posted on a web page, blog, forum, or other communications medium are responsible to ensure that the information is consistent with the City’s position on the specific topic and that content is appropriately managed.


As an example, an employee that begins a discussion thread in an online forum is the creator of the content. Posting a new wiki topic or a new blog entry also qualifies the employee as a creator of content even though others will comment on or modify the entry in the future.


      Participants. Employees that enter information or comments related to City business in response to content or entries previously posted in a wiki, blog, forum or other communications medium are considered participants. These employees are responsible for ensuring the information or comments related to City business are consistent with the City’s position on the specific topic.


As an example, an employee that posts a comment on what someone has written on a blog or forum is considered a participant in the discussion. Updating information contained in a wiki previously created also make the employee a participant.


7. Email

Employees are encouraged to use email where appropriate in the conduct of City business. Email accounts on City servers are provided for all City employees.


Because email is the primary way the City will communicate important information, employees are responsible to check for new email messages at least once each pay period.


Email related to City business is recognized as official correspondence. Whether printed or not, it is subject to the same policies, rules, and procedures, and must be treated in the same manner as any City correspondence sent or received in printed format.


Email retention schedules, available from the Recorder’s Office, must be followed.

Documents attached to email messages sent or received in the course of conducting City business must be retained in accordance with the records management procedures and retention schedules applicable to such attachments.

Employees are prohibited from deleting any email messages, with the following exceptions:

      Unsolicited email advertisements, etc. (Spam)

      Personal correspondence not related to City business.

      Routine correspondence such as but not restricted to: announcements and general mailings such as newsletters, press releases, etc.

      System generated messages indicating that the person has either accepted or declined attendance at a meeting.

      Messages that are, according to the applicable records retention schedules, due to be purged.

Employees are responsible for proper management of their email. This includes messages sent and received.


Deleted Items. The deleted items folder is purged each time the employee shuts down the email program (Outlook). These records are retained by the email server and may be recovered by the employee for 14 days after which they are no longer available.


8. Instant Messaging

Employees may use instant messaging technologies in the conduct of City business where informal communication is appropriate.


Instant messaging should be considered as similar to a telephone conversation. No record of the correspondence is retained once the instant message program has been shut down.  However, employees are responsible for capturing information contained in an instant message where, in the employee’s best judgment, the information should be retained. Employees are responsible for the appropriate use of instant messaging.


If the employee saves the communications conducted in an instant message thread in any format digital or printed, a record series is created and the records management procedures and retention schedules for email are applicable.


9. Blogs (Web Logs)

Blogs are an effective way to communicate with a specific audience on a specific topic. Employees may use blogs for City business where appropriate.


Employees posting information on specific City issues, business, or topics of interest must receive approval from the Mayor’s Communications Team prior to posting on any blog.

Blog entries discussing matters of City business must be treated in the same manner as emails or other formal correspondence. As such, the records management procedures and retention schedules for email are applicable to blog entries created by City employees as they relate to City business or topics.


Information posted on City business related blogs may be reviewed as part of investigations into work related misconduct or non-investigatory work related searches including but not limited to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA whether or not legal action may be required to obtain those records not contained on City servers.


Employees are responsible for the content of blog entries they create and to ensure that information about City business that they post in blogs is accurate and kept current.


10. Wikis

Wikis are an effective tool for communicating, collaborating, and tapping into the collective “wisdom of the crowd”. Employees may utilize wikis for City business where appropriate.


Employees engaging in a wiki collaboration effort on specific City issues, business, or topics of interest must receive approval from the Mayor’s Communications Team prior to posting to any wiki website.

The records management procedures and retention schedules for email apply to the final version of Wiki collaboration on matters of City business and must be treated in the same manner as emails or other formal correspondence.

      For wikis hosted on City servers, the final version at the time the wiki is closed must be retained. 

      For wikis not hosted on City servers, the version at the time of the submission must be retained.


Information posted on City business related wikis may be may be reviewed as part of investigations into work related misconduct or non-investigatory work related searches including but not limited to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA whether or not legal action may be required to obtain those records not contained on City servers. Anonymous participation in wiki collaboration related to City business is discouraged.


For any City sponsored wiki, an employee or group of employees must be designated to moderate the wiki collaboration to ensure that information is accurate, appropriate, and current.


11. Forums

Forums are another way to engage the community in a constructive dialogue. Employees may use forums where appropriate.


Employees must contact the Mayor’s Communications Team prior to initiating a thread on any discussion forum to be used in the performance of City business.


The records management procedures and retention schedules for email apply to the final version of a forum thread on matters of City business and must be treated in the same manner as emails or other formal correspondence.

      For forums hosted on City servers, the final version at the time the forum is closed must be retained. 

      For forums not hosted on City servers, the version at the time of the submission must be retained.


Information posted to forum discussions may be may be reviewed as part of investigations into work related misconduct or non-investigatory work related searches including but not limited to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA whether or not legal action may be required to obtain those records not contained on City servers.


For any City sponsored forum, an employee or group of employees must be designated to moderate the forum thread to ensure that information is accurate, appropriate, and current.


12. Social Media

Social media refers to technologies and services such as FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, ProjectDocs, and other websites designed to establish virtual communities of members with a common focus or interest. These are an effective tool for communicating with the public and employees may participate in these communities where appropriate.

Employees must contact the Mayor’s Communications Team before establishing a City social media page with any social media service including those related to a specific City department or division.


Information posted to a City related social media site by a City employee must be approved by the Mayor’s Communications Team or, in the case of Department or Division sites, the Department or Division Director.


The records management procedures and retention schedules for email apply to the information posted to social media sites on matters of City business and must be treated in the same manner as emails or other formal correspondence.


Entries posted to social media sites must be retained as they are at the time of submission.


Information posted on City business related social media websites may be subject to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA though legal action may be required to obtain those records.


In accordance with the City’s Acceptable Use policy, except for de minimus use, employees are prohibited from using City computers to access non-City business related social media sites.


Social media websites are restricted by the City internet filtering software. Access to social media websites is at the discretion of Department Directors or their designees.


13. Text Messages / SMS

Employees may use text messaging technologies where informal communication is appropriate in the conduct of City business.


Text messaging must be treated in the same manner as a telephone conversation or an instant message. No record of the correspondence is retained once the text message has been deleted from the sending or receiving device.


Employees are responsible for the appropriate use of text messaging when conducting City business.


Employees are responsible for capturing information contained in a text message where that message is pertinent to City business and where, in the employee’s best judgment, the information should be retained.


Text messages retained on the sending or receiving device may be reviewed as part of investigations into work related misconduct or non-investigatory work related searches including but not limited to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA whether or not legal action may be required to obtain those records not contained on City devices.


14. Multimedia Messaging/MMS

Employees may use multimedia messaging technologies where informal communication is appropriate in the conduct of City business.

Multimedia messaging must be treated in the same manner as a telephone conversation or an instant message. No record of the correspondence is retained once the multimedia message has been deleted from the sending or receiving device. 


Employees are responsible for the appropriate use of multimedia messaging when conducting City business.


Employees are responsible for capturing information contained in a multimedia message where that message is pertinent to a City issue and where, in the employee’s best judgment, the information should be retained.


Multimedia messages retained on the sending or receiving device may be reviewed as part of investigations into work related misconduct or non-investigatory work related searches including but not limited to human resource personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis, and information requests under GRAMA whether or not legal action may be required to obtain those records not contained on City devices.


Effective Date of Procedure (Date signed by Department Head): October 5, 2010