1. Department/Division writes application for type of funding needed.
2. Department/Division has application reviewed by City attorney's office, has application stamped and has Mayor sign the application. Application is then mailed.
3. Grant Application Notification Form is completed. The Form and a copy of the application for funding are forwarded to Capital Planning & Programming (CPPD), Room 445, City & County Building.
4. Grant is approved by funding agency. An award letter and grant agreement is sent to the contract person listed on the grant application. If the grant is not awarded, you still need to notify Capital Planning.
5. Upon receipt of the award letter and grant agreement, these documents are forwarded to Capital Planning & Programming (CPPD).
6. CPPD does the following:
A. Brings the funds into the City through a Budget Opening,
B. Enters the Grant into the City's CAMP system for tracking.
C. Alerts Finance of the anticipated revenues.
D. Has grant agreement approved by the City's Attorney's Office.
E. Obligates/Encumbers the funds as specified in the grant budget and scope.
F. Obtains the Mayor's signature.
G. Has the Recorder's office record the document.
H. Notifies applying Department/Division's contact person they can now spend the funds within the scope of the grant.
I. Work with contact person with regards to any special conditions placed on the grant.
J. Write contracts with other entities as needed and route for signatures. Ensure funds are not spent prior to signed contract and resolution of special conditions.
K. At this point, the applying Department/Division implements the grant and tracks all expenditures. Expenditures must be verified to be within the scope of the grant and the budgeted line items.
L. At least semi-annually, CPPD will review records of expenditures to ensure compliance with grant requirements and eligibility.
M. Process payments and distribute funds as needed for grants not administered by City Departments.
N. Monitor semi-annually for compliance with financial and program reporting to funding agencies (semi-annual/quarterly/annual)
APPLICATION SUBMITTED TO (Federal Agency, State Agency, Other):
NAME ____________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________
DATE APPLICATION SUBMITTED:___________________________________
ANITICIPATED AWARD DATE:______________________________________
Attach a complete copy of grant application.
Submit this form and application to:
Capital Planning & Programming,
Room 445, City & County Building
Attention: Pauline Zvonkovic
O. Prepare and send the final close out report forms for each grant if required. This will include both the program and financial information that is required by the funding agency.
DATE: November 27, 1996
TO: Cabinet
FROM: Kathy Ricci, Director
Capital Planning & Programming
RE: New Procedures for Grant Application
and Administration
The attached procedures have been prepared to facilitate the processing of grants received by Salt Lake City. We hope to better track all applications as well as awards to avoid any instances of non-compliance, thus avoiding any findings in the City's single audit.
The process begins upon application and follows through to grant award, compliance with special conditions, budget openings, signatures on contracts, and required reporting through the period of the grant.
All Departments excluding the Airport, Redevelopment Agency, and the City Library will be expected to follow this process. These agencies currently have their own process in place. We do feel Golf should be included in this new process.
The intent is to have the Department that has applied for the grant do the implementation, and have the roll of Capital Planning as the coordination and compliance division.