Internal Audit Process

Salt Lake City Corporation · Office of Internal Audit

Policy and Procedures Manual


Internal Audit Process


These steps are general guidelines.  Deviation from the guidelines would depend on the individual audits and circumstances. The following steps should be followed once an auditor receives an assignment and the auditee is notified.  The timeframe for completing an audit depends on the scope and complexity of the assignment.  Audit Reports are usually distributed quarterly.

Audit Committee                            Audit Staff                                                Auditee

1.  Review and approve annual                                                  1.  Conduct risk assessments of critical City          1.  Transmit Internal Audit service request to the
       audit plan and department                                                        operations.  Compile each department request.       Audit Manager.
       requests. Provide expertise                                                       Prepare Annual Audit Schedule.  Submit the        
       and insight on audit issues.                                                       audit schedule and department requests to the

                               the Audit Committee.

                                       2.  Based on the approved Audit Schedule,     2.  Provide Auditor with any requested information
                                            telephone department manager or designated      within an agreed upon time frame.
                                            audit contacts and inform them that Internal Audit                                      
                                            is planning a review.  Agree on a feasible start date.                                  
                                            Also, at this time documents such as operating                                          
                                            procedures, strategic plans, etc., could be requested                                  
                                            to expedite the preliminary audit survey step.                                            

3.  Conduct the preliminary audit survey to gain an                                  3.  Same as 2 above.
                                            overall understanding of the operation or functions.                                    

4.  Prepare formal audit opening letter and distribute                                 4.  Confirm meeting.
                                            to department director,  manager and all other                                          
                                            relevant parties.                            

5.  Schedule Opening Meeting and send out a       5.  Department Directors and Managers attend
                                            confirmation notice.                             opening meeting to understand the audit
                                                                                                     approach and acknowledge responsibilities for
                                                                                                     meeting timeframe and providing requested data.

6.  Perform audit fieldwork. Have ongoing verbal     6.  The line manager is responsible to keep the
                                             and written communications with line manager      department directors informed on the audit's
                                             to present findings that need immediate attention         progress.  Department management could
                                             and update on the progress of the audit.      request to meet with the auditor or audit manager
                                                                                                     at anytime, as needed.

7.  Report orally and in writing, using the Internal          7.  Line management confirms auditor’s
                                             Audit Discussion Point Sheet (DPS), all      documentation or provides an alternate response
                                             preliminary audit findings are listed on the DPS        to each DPS within 10 days.  A  reasonable
                                             and given to the line supervisor, department      extension maybe granted for bona fide reasons
                                             director or designated audit liaison.      only.  Extensions should be  requested 
                                                                                                     within the original 10-day period.
                                                                                                     Note: Respone to a DPS needs to be direct and
                                                                                                     concise addressing: agreement or disagreement
                                                                                                     with  finding, action planned and target data
                                                                                                     for completion.

8.  Evaluate management’s responses to the DPS.              8.  Provide clarification or additional information as
                                             Obtain proper clarification for any unclear issues      requested by the auditor within the agreed
                                             in the response.                                 timeframe.

9.  Compile audit workpapers to approved                                              9.  Same as 8 above.
                                             audit standards, incorporating management’s

                                 responses.  Prepare Draft Audit Report and                                             
                                             submit it along with completed audit workpapers
                                             to the Audit Manager for review and approval.

10. Distribute Draft Audit Report to department       10. Receive Draft Audit Report and prepare
                                             director and all applicable managers.      department  response for discussion
                                                                                                     at scheduled exit conference and inclusion
                                                                                                     in the report.

11. Contact Department director and managers via    11. Participate in exit conference to clarify any factual
                                             e-mail and schedule an exit meeting.      discrepancies and management’s response to audit
                                                                                                     findings and recommendations.

2.  Discuss Draft Audit Report                                                    12. Send Draft Audit  Report to Audit Committee   12. Provide any data requested by auditor.

     with audit staff.  Determine                                                        and provide additional information, as requested.      
       if management responses are                                                                                                        
       properly addressing the findings
       and recommendations                                                        

3.  Determine if department                                                      13. Extend an invitation to department to attend the  13. RSVP on the attendance to the Audit Committee
       management should attend next                                                next scheduled Audit Committee Meeting if           Meeting, if applicable.
       Committee meeting          applicable.                                   

                                      14. Prepare Final Audit Report as approved by the       14. Provide any additional information, if requested
                                             Audit Committee.                               by auditor.

                           15. Audit Manager approves and issues the Final                   15. Receive the Final Audit Report electronically.
                                             Audit Report  electronically no later than 5                                             

                                days after the Audit Committee Meeting date.

16. Update workpapers, file final report with the    16. Implement audit recommendations within target
                                             Recorder's Office.  Place a signed hardcopy in                      dates in report.
                                             the audit file.                               

4.  Monitor implementation of                                                    17. Provide the Audit Committee with periodic       17. Provide auditor with any requested information.
       audit recommendations;                                                           updates on any outstanding audit     
       determine final resolution                                                           recommendations.                         
       including enforcing compliance.                                                                                                     

5.  Review the follow up report                                                  18. Perform audit follow-up in six months or as     18. Provide auditor with information needed to
       with department management                                                   directed by Audit Committee.  Distribute               perform audit follow up.  Receive electronic copy
       if needed.                        follow up audit report electronically to Audit                     of follow up report.
                                             Committee and department management.

                                Close Audit file.

Prepared By: Nadira Brandenburg January 1997

Updated By: Nadira Brandenburg September 2000