Nondiscrimination in Employment


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         Human Resource Management Division


KEYWORDS:            working conditions, hiring, training, promoting, equity, fairness, race, color, age, national origin, sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability, benefit plan, employment practices.




The Salt Lake City Code Chapter 2.53 requires that “Employment decisions and practices in Salt Lake City’s classified career service and civil service system shall be based on job-related criteria.”  It further defines “job-related criteria” as “those criteria necessary or desirable to perform successfully the job held or sought.”  The ordinance also specifies that “the status of having a lifestyle which is irrelevant to successful job performance” and “the status of being in or outside an adult interpersonal relationship or family relationship” are not “job-related criteria and shall not be used as a basis for an employment decision or disciplinary action.”


The following is intended to state clearly, in part, this Administration’s interpretation of the above referenced ordinance, and to provide direction to supervisory employees as to its application.  It should not be construed as conflicting with or superceding city ordinance or state or federal employment law.


1. General


1.1     Salt Lake City Corporation employees shall not discriminate against an otherwise qualified employee or applicant based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or disability.


1.2     City supervisors shall make good faith efforts to ensure equity and fairness related to employee hiring, training, promoting, and working conditions, and all City employees will be held accountable for maintaining a productive, nondiscriminatory work environment.


1.3     If they believe they have been victims of discrimination under this Order, under City Policy, or under Federal guidelines, employees may file grievances with the City Compliance Officer in Human Resources. Complaints will be promptly investigated. The complainant will be notified as soon as possible regarding the disposition of the complaint.


1.4     This Executive Order applies to the management of administrative employees. It is intended to assist in the administration and implementation of, but not to supersede, applicable City ordinances.   It is not to be construed as altering the terms and conditions of employment as adopted by City ordinance, collective bargaining memoranda of understanding, or city compensation plans.



                                        Salt Lake City Policy 3.01.01


EFFECTIVE DATE: April 5, 2000


UPDATED: April 4, 2001