

RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:                   Community and Economic Development


KEYWORDS:   Petitions, requests.

1.       General


1.1     Citizen requests and petitions requiring review by a single department shall be evaluated and decided in a timely manner by that department.


1.2     Citizen requests and petitions requiring input and recommendations from more than one department are coordinated by the department with the primary responsibility for implementing the final decision.


1.3     Any requests not listed below should be made to the Mayor’s Office for dispersal.


1.4     The City Recorder’s office maintains all original documents once a final decision is rendered.

2.       Departmental Responsibility for Types of Petitions




1= Coordinating department

2= Reviewing department




PRE-1995 REFERENCES:      City policy     6.03.100



EFFECTIVE DATE:     October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:       September 6, 1995