This procedure outlines lockout/tagout requirements as per OSHA’s “Control of Hazardous Energy Sources” standard (29 CFR 1910.147) for identifying hazardous energy sources, safe shutdown and startup, and isolation and dissipation of hazardous energy. Lockout/tagout covers repair and maintenance of all machines and equipment in which unexpected start-up or release of stored energy could cause injury. This procedure will insure that machinery or equipment are isolated from all potentially hazardous energy and locked/tagged out before employees perform any servicing or maintenance activities where the unexpected energization, start-up, or release of stored energy could cause injury. For the purpose of this procedure, “energy source” is defined as, “ any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other type of energy.”
It is the intent of this procedure that only qualified persons should perform electrical work, in compliance with the Salt Lake City Corporation Electrical Code. In most instances, a qualified person will be licensed when performing electrical work.