Respiratory Fitness Evaluation Form


Salt Lake City Corporation

Occupational Health Services Clinic


Respiratory Fitness Evaluation




Employee Name _________________________________  SS# _______________________________


Department ______________________________   Job Title  _________________________________


Date of Exam ________________________




Note to Medical Provider:  All findings, conclusions, or recommendations should be based upon the job criteria identified by the employer, the City’s respiratory fitness program, and your evaluation of the employee relative to these criteria.




Note to Employer:  As with all medical records, the information included on this summary is confidential.  The American’s with Disabilities Act requires that such records be kept in secure files.




Special Note - The findings on Respiratory Fitness/Non Fitness are based solely on those screening services established in the City’s Respiratory Fitness Program.  The reviewing medical provider and/or Salt Lake City Corporation Occupational Health Services Clinic will not be held liable for any medical information or conditions that were not presented/offered by said employee, and/or by the lack of physical examination of same.




(    )         No medical reason for limitation or restriction have been noted during this evaluation  and a card

        for respirator use has been issued.




(   )          Medical limitations or restrictions have been noted during this evaluation and NO card  for

        respirator use has been issued.  Employee has been referred to his private medical provider

        for further evaluation/treatment/follow up as deemed appropriate.




Examining Medical Provider        __________________________  Date  ______________________________