

The program will be administered by SLCC's Medical Provider (MP).  Each employee who uses or oversees the use of any respiratory protective device will be responsible  for assuring compliance with the provisions of this program.


All information pertaining to the employees health status is confidential.  Only the employees ability or inability to work while using respiratory protective devices will be conveyed from the MP to the employee's department representative.  Conveyance of such information will be through the issuance of a form letter (Click here for Medical Provider Review Summary Form) and/or a wallet card specifying respiratory fitness for respirator use or prohibited from respirator use.


Interpreting the Employees Respiratory Fitness to use Respirators:


The employee's ability or inability to work while using respiratory protective equipment will be based solely upon the successful completion of a pulmonary function test (PFT) initially and then annually thereafter.  However, the pulmonary health and physical condition of the employee will be assessed utilizing the information provided by the employee on a respiratory health history questionnaire. Should the employee be deemed unable to perform the PFT and/or to have significant risk factors or a medical condition which may affect their respiratory health or general well being, this information will be conveyed to the employee and it will be recommended that they follow up with their private medical provider for possible evaluation/treatment.