SLC 39 Government Cable Television Channel


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:          Information Management                                  Services Division (Pam Witt, 535-7169)


KEYWORDS:            Television, government, cable, channel, station, TCI, SLC 39, TV, broadcast, programming, advertising, ads, commercials.

1.       General


1.1     The mission of SLC 39, Salt Lake City’s government cable television channel, is to provide an informative, appealing, and mutually beneficial link between the city and its customers.  The goal of the channel is to connect the people and their government more directly, expand access to government information, and provide an additional medium for the city to respond to the needs and concerns of its residents.


1.2     Definitions:


A.       Commercial advertising: broadcast information including video, text, or graphic descriptions, endorsements, or promotions of any private business, commercial services or product, or profit-making activity; moving (animated) logos; images of business locations; or business telephone numbers.


B.       SLC 39 project team: the team of city staff assigned to generating, approving, and airing programming on SLC 39.  The team includes representatives of the administration and City Council as determined by the administration and City Council (contact: Pam Witt: 535-7169).

2.       Operating Requirements


2.1     SLC 39 broadcasts government television programming.  This includes text, video, and other programming about government and government-supported activities, events, departments, agencies, boards, and commissions.


2.2     Programming content is determined at the sole discretion of the SLC 39 project team.


2.3     Any public meetings which are chosen for broadcast on SLC 39 are covered “gavel-to-gavel” and are not edited or subjected to editorial comment.


2.4     The city may choose to broadcast externally-prepared programs if they meet city policy and quality requirements and are not in violation of copyright law.  Public requests for broadcast of such information must be made to the SLC 39 project team.


2.5     Emergency messages take priority over all other programming until the emergency situation is resolved.


2.6     SLC 39 is not to be used for political or personal use.


2.7     Videotapes of SLC 39 programming shall be subject to access as provided by the Government Records Access and Management Act and retention schedules as established by the City Recorder’s Office.  Appropriate fees may be charged as provided by city ordinance.

3.       Advertising and Underwriting


3.1     Commercial advertising on SLC 39 is prohibited.


3.2     Underwriting or in-kind contributions for SLC 39 programming must be approved prior to solicitation by the SLC 39 project team and the Mayor.


3.3     Contributors shall be acknowledged in the program closing credits and during the body of an underwritten program.


3.4     The only credit allowed for underwriting or in-kind support is a listing of the underwriter’s name and/or logo.  At the city’s discretion, the credit may use full or partial screen with a plain screen or program video as background, with or without voice-over.

4.       Responsibilities


4.1     Departments are responsible for providing information about city issues and activities in ready-for-broadcast form to the SLC 39 project team.


4.2     Department directors or their designees must submit information for broadcast on SLC 39 to the project team.  Department directors or their designees are responsible for approving the content of all programming provided by their departments.


4.3     The quality of video programming must be approved by the SLC 39 project team before airing.


4.4     Requests for text announcements must be received one week in advance of the desired air date, except in the event of emergencies.


4.5     To accommodate broadcast announcement schedules, requests for video programming must be received one month in advance of the desired air or recording date.


4.6     Should incorrect information be broadcast over SLC 39, Salt Lake City Corporation, its officers, employees, and agents shall be indemnified and held harmless to the full extent permitted under the Utah Governmental Immunity Act.

5.       Not a Public Forum


5.1     SLC 39 is not a public forum for purposes of the exercise of free speech.  It is exclusively a medium for broadcasting city programming.  No citizen shall have the right to use this medium for any purpose or communication.






EFFECTIVE DATE:     March 13, 1996


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:       March 6, 1996