RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY: Public Services Department
KEYWORDS: Parks, buildings, rent, lease, special use, property.
1. General
1.1 Salt Lake City encourages the leasing of special use facilities and public buildings in City parks by private enterprises.
1.2 Such use of facilities and public buildings should be consistent with the following guidelines:
A. No substantial disturbance shall occur to the character of the park or immediate surrounding area;
B. The facility or building grounds shall not be altered in a way that mars its historical significance;
C. For long-term contracts or leases, the facility or building and surrounding area shall be available to the public and may not be restricted to private membership;
D. Proposals shall not be rejected on grounds that violate First Amendment rights.
1.3 The Purchasing and Property Management Division is responsible for monitoring all contracts and leases, placing revenue from the lease of special use facilities and public buildings located in parks into the Parks Capital Projects Fund (see SLCC 15.28.010), and notifying the City Council when such rental or lease arrangements are being contemplated.
1.4 The Attorney’s Office is responsible for ensuring that all contracts and leases provide insurance for the City, as necessary.
1.5 The Mayor reviews and gives final approval for the Public Services Department’s recommendations for the use of special use facilities and public buildings.
PRE-1995 REFERENCES: City policy 6.03.400
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 1995