Responsibility         Action


1.  Employee            Within 10 working days of return date:

     or assigned

     staff                       Indicate actual expenses  and enter on the reconciliation option on the EDS system. 


If the employee spent less money that was advanced the reimbursements needs to be received by the city.  Deposit cash or check and receive a cash receipt.  The cash receipt number is required to complete the reconciliation on EDS.


                         If the traveling employee spent more money than was

advanced, enter the PEID  for the employee in the reconciliation feature of EDS.


 Submit original receipts and other documentation to Accounting.


2.  Finance                Upon receiving all documents from employee:


 Process voucher request to employee from EDS system for check or direct deposit.


                         Retain documents  in storage vault.



REFERENCES:                   Travel Policy

                                Relocation Procedure



EFFECTIVE DATE:            February 1, 2006