2.01.05 Credit Cards Dedicated to City Business


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         Accounting Division


KEYWORDS:   Credit card, service fee, credit line, bill.

1.      General


1.1   The City purchases goods and services by check or other means determined by the controller.


1.2   When justified by business necessity, the controller may authorize credit cards dedicated to official City business for the payment of legitimate City business costs.


1.3   Employees are responsible for the timely payment of the total billed amount.  Late fees, finance charges, or cash advances are not legitimate expenditures of public funds.



CURRENT REFERENCES:                Expenditure of Public Funds Policy

                                                Travel policy


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:                City policy 3.02.600


EFFECTIVE DATE:               October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:                 September 6, 1995