2.01.06 Petty Cash Funds


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         Accounting Division


KEYWORDS:   Petty cash, small purchases.

1.      General


1.1   Departments may use petty cash to make small purchases when the City’s procurement procedures are impractical.


1.2   The use of petty cash will be limited to purchases of $50 or less.


1.3   Petty cash may not be used for the following purposes:


A.    Payment of employee travel expenses or wages;


B.    Cashing of personal checks;


C.    Loans or IOUs to employees or others; and,


D.    Any other purposes prohibited by City policy.


1.4   Department heads may allow exceptions to this policy, and must submit a written explanation of their decision with the reimbursement request.


1.5   Sales tax will be paid on petty cash purchases.


1.6   The City Controller will authorize the use of petty cash by City departments and and may withdraw authorization as necessary.


CURRENT REFERENCES:      Expenditure of Public Funds policy

                                      Petty Cash Expense Form

                                                Examination of Petty Cash Fund  and Reconciliation Form

                                  Petty Cash Reimbursement   Form for Expenditures


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:      City policy     3.02.203


EFFECTIVE DATE:               October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:                 September 6, 1995


REVISED:      February 15, 1996