RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY: Division of Human Resources, Labor Relations Section
KEYWORDS: Appeal, grievance, complaint, termination.
1. General
1.1 Employees who feel they have a grievance related to employment status covered by this policy may enter an appeal without fear of retaliation.
1.2 The City will abide by grievance processes defined in certified employee Memoranda of Understanding. The Division of Human Resources develops grievance procedures for 300 and 600 series employees, subject to review by the City Attorney’s Office.
1.3 As required under Utah Code Annotated §§ 10-3-1105 & 1106, (as such statute may be amended from time to time) the City maintains an Employee Appeals Board to hear merit, non-civil service employees’ appeals on involuntary terminations, suspensions without pay for more than two days (2 shifts for employees who work shifts longer than 8 hours), and involuntary transfers which involve less remuneration. The labor relations officer maintains procedures for the composition, selection and terms of office of the Employee Appeals Board, as well as the procedures for conducting an appeal and the standard of review to be applied in an appeal.
1.4 As outlined in the Salt Lake City Civil Service Rules and Regulations, the Civil Service Commission hears grievances related to civil service employees.
1.5 Nothing in this policy shall be construed to restrict employees’ constitutional or legal remedies.
2. Employees Not Covered by this Policy
2.1 This policy does not apply to at-will employees, who may be terminated with or without cause.
2.2 At-will employees may, at their request, receive a name-clearing hearing.
2.3 This policy does not apply to employees set forth in §10-3-1105(2), Utah Code Annotated, 1953 or its successor.
CURRENT REFERENCES: Disciplinary Guidelines policy
Labor Relations procedures
Salt Lake City Civil Service Rules and Regulations
Current Memoranda of Understanding with Approved Bargaining Units
PRE-1995 REFERENCES: City policy 4.01.101, 4.01.103
EFFECTIVE DATE OF CURRENT REVISION (Date signed by Mayor): December 2, 2005