2005 Council Announcements

April 12, 2005

City Council Announcements


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1.  Additional Council Meetings for Budget: Typically the Council holds extra work sessions in May in connection with its analysis of the Mayor’s recommended budget. The Council Chair is suggesting Tuesday, May 24 and Thursday, May 26 for additional work sessions. In addition, for the past several years the property tax numbers have not been available for the Council to adopt the annual budget at one of its regularly scheduled meeting in June. The Council may also need to hold a meeting on Tuesday, June 21st to adopt the budget. By state law, the budget must be adopted before June 22nd. Council Members may wish to plan on additional council meetings for May 24, 26 and June 21. If Council Members have conflicts with any of these three evenings, please inform the Council Chair or a member of the staff.  Cindy asked the Council to check their calendars and let staff know if they would be available on May 24th & 26th for extra meetings.  She asked the Council to tentatively mark their calendars for June 21st as well. 


2.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said the Council had received an e-mail asking if any Councilmember was able to attend a presentation on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m.  She said a group was meeting and they wanted someone from the City to greet them.  She said it was called the National Speaker’s Association, Utah Chapter.  She said they had asked Mayor Anderson to proclaim Saturday, April 16th as National Speaker’s Utah Day.  She said the Mayor or Sam Guevara were not able to attend so the group had been referred to the Council Office.  Council Members were not available to attend the meeting and sent their regrets.


B. For Your Information


1.  Attached is a Grant Application.


Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 4/13/2005

SUBJECT:    2005 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG)

FUNDING AGENCY:   Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance   

REQUESTED AMOUNT: $528,048 Joint Award to SLCPD and SLCo. Sheriff

DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Police Department

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:  Salt Lake County Sheriff, Salt Lake County Criminal Justice, Salt Lake Peer Court, Utah Law Related Education, Salt Lake City School District, SLC Prosecutor

DATE SUBMITTED:   March 30, 2005   


      Training                      Supplies                 Equipment


            Existing          New             Overtime Only       Requires Funding After Grant

      Match Required       25%          In Kind     Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services (not computer)

      New Program (City not performing function now)


The JAG grant is designed to consolidate the Byrne and LLEBG grant programs.  This grant now replaces any grants we have previously received for those programs.

The Department of Justice has required that Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County apply jointly for the $528,048 award.  Based on population, Part I Crimes, and a base amount, the amounts have been divided as follows:  $345,123 for SLC, and $182,925 for SLCo.  A Memorandum of Agreement was drawn up and signed by both the SLC Mayor and SLCo. Mayor, agreeing upon these amounts.

This grant application is similar to the LLEBG grant in that we apply for the amount first in a simple one page request.  They grant that request and ask for the formal application after the award is essentially granted.   In other words, this amount has already been granted to us, and the formal application has now been submitted. 

SLC has proposed spending the funds in much the same way as we have spent LLEBG funds in the past.  The grant asks for spending in any or all of six required purpose areas.  We will purchase law enforcement supplies/equipment, enhance law enforcement programs, enhance crime prevention, targeted intervention programs, and restorative justice programs. 

The proposed budget has been reviewed and approved by an Advisory Board, and opportunity for public comment was provided through e-mail to Community Councils around the City.