City Council Announcements
April 7, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. The availability of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles will increase as US and other auto manufacturers offer a wider range of vehicles beginning in 2010.With a growing number of constituents who are interested in utilizing this technology would the Council consider addressing the issues of infrastructure and incentives to meet this growing demand. Council Member Simonsen has suggested that the City begin to initiate several simple actions over the next several months.
a. Identify electric plug-in charging locations as well as possible existing parking lots with available electrical outlets that might be utilized for charging stations.
b. Provide small grants and other incentives to encourage private businesses and public entities to provide electrical outlets.
c. Update the City parking ordinance to require electrical outlets in all new parking lots, mandate reserved parking spaces for electric vehicles, and include compliance with LEED standard for parking.
d. Incorporate electrical outlets with parking meters and possibly include pay per use in lieu of parking fees.
Does the Council support a legislative intent to this effect? Yes
2. During Budget Amendment No. 3 of FY 2007, as a condition of accepting Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force grant monies, the Council requested that the Administration provide an annual report. Attached is a copy of the report.
Does the Council wish to continue receiving this information annually? Yes
3. Council Member Luke Garrott previously received support from his City Council colleagues and the Mayor to plan for the first annual Salt Lake City Bike Summit for Saturday, May 2, 2009. The event will take place at the Salt Lake City Main Library from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Bike Summit committee is planning for approximately 100 participants and would like to provide a box lunch for the participants. Council Member Garrott was anticipating on covering the costs for the lunches out of his communication budget. Therefore, in an effort to help minimize the cost, the Bike Summit committee is considering a $5 registration fee.
Because this is a City sponsored event, is the Council interested in covering the costs for the lunches from the Council Office budget to offer the Bike Summit as a free event for the participants? Estimated cost is approximately $1000. Yes
Additional City Council Announcements
April 7, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Would the Council like to receive a briefing regarding the Valley Police Alliance Interlocal Agreement and the Sister Cities Ordinance, or would the Council feel comfortable placing these items on Unfinished Business for the April 21, 2009 meeting? A majority of the Council was in favor of putting the items on Unfinished Business.
2. Would the Council be comfortable starting the following meetings in May at 2:00 p.m.?
May 5, May 12, May 19 and May 26. Yes
4. Provided the new process the Council utilizes to approve grant funding within the Consent Agenda, an outline of the grant applications is below. The details of each grant are also attached. If you have any objections, please speak with a member of staff.
Grant Reference Title |
Grant Amount |
Grant Program |
Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Project |
$ 16,844.32
CERT Training |
Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Project |
$ 24,844.75
Community Affairs |
Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Project |
$ 18,016.44 |
VISTA Volunteers
Salt Lake Area Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) |
$ 3,158,291
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 4/8/2009
SUBJECT: Salt Lake Area Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Department of Homeland Security
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Salt Lake Urban Area Working Group (UAWG)
UAWG MEMBER AGENCIES: Salt Lake City: Emergency Management, Police, Fire, Public Utilities, Public Services, Airport; Salt Lake County: Emergency Management, Unified Fire Authority, Sheriff; State of Utah, Citizen Corp, Salt Lake Metropolitan Medical Response System, Salt Lake Valley Fire Chief’s Alliance, Salt Lake Valley Health Dep., Salt Lake Valley Police Chief’s Alliance, Utah Transit Authority
DATE SUBMITTED: March 20, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 0 In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Salt Lake City is the fiscal agent for the Salt Lake Area UASI and submitted the UAWG application to the State of Utah as part of the state Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP). The UAWG submitted five (5) projects; 2 two new and three on-going, for funding.
1. Risk Management ($548,129)
Requested funds to perform an all hazards GIS inventory to identify and protect critical infrastructure and transportation systems, develop a critical infrastructure/key resource list, develop a threat assessment of the mass transit hub adjacent to the SLC Airport. Funds to purchase and distribute Personal Protective Equipment and pharmaceutical antidotes to first responders and material to place a redundant water supply line to the University of Utah Medical Center and Primary Children’s Hospital.
2. Communications Support Truck Enhancement on-going ($390,000)
Requested funds to purchase equipment to enhance mobile interoperable communications including repeaters, wireless mesh for voice data, and video, video conferencing ability, dedicated 800 MHz cache, and equipment to patch into the state’s satellite communications trailer
3. Planning on-going ($1,080,079)
Requested funds to perform a Needs Assessment for the urban area to assist in planning, equipment to establish a Joint information System and Joint Information Center, and Urban Area training and exercises.
4. Information Sharing/Fusion Center on-going ($780,000)
Requested funds for data gathering, mining, and analysis software to perform terrorist threat and crime analysis. This is part of a joint venture with the State of Utah to allow analysis to access data from disparate law enforcement records management systems for cross- and multi-jurisdictional analysis.
5. Community Preparedness ($360,083)
Requested funds to develop a School Preparedness Council that includes all five school districts in the urban area. Working with “Be Ready Utah”, UAWG will develop emergency preparedness curriculum for elementary and middle schools, produce a DVD to complement the curriculum and can be used in community presentations. And purchase additional supplies for teacher’s classroom emergency kits.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 4/8/2009
SUBJECT: Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Project
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Division of Homeland Security
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Emergency Management/Fire Department
DATE SUBMITTED: March 25, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Salt Lake Emergency Management and Fire Department are requesting funds to support additional CERT training provided by the SLCFD Community Education Specialist.
EMPG Request $16,844.32
Salt Lake City $15,220.27
Total Project $32,068.59
Contract Instructors $15/hour x 240 hours $3,600.00
SLCFD hires certified instructors to evaluate students during the final exercises of the first time training. Students are placed is small groups to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the skills learned through the training. Additional instructor are needed to ensure student receive individual attention for successful completion of the training.
CERT Equipment $4,764.32
Vests 160 x $9.40 each $1,504.00
Helmets w/straps 160 x $6.72 each $1,075.20
Goggles 160 x $1.87 each $299.20
Gloves(S,M,L) 198 pair x $1.32 $261.36
Dust masks 8 boxes x $14.17 per box $113.36
Medical Bags 160 x $1.32 each $211.20
CERT Book 200 x $6.50 $1,300.00
SLCFD will purchase equipment for and assemble the CERT bag given to each participant. The medical bag includes triangular bandage, 4x4 bandages, 4 inch bandage roll, and latex & nitro gloves.
Teaching Supplies $7,400.00
Handouts $4,000.00
Helmets & badges $1,000.00
Community Fair supplies $2,000.00
Recognition $400.00
SLCFD will purchase the material and equipment needed to support community education and awareness such as brochures and informational handout produced in English and Spanish, replica helmets & badges, and giveaways such as pencils for Community Fairs and at each of SLC’s 14 Fire Stations for school and youth group tours.
Mobile phone & PDA $1,080.00
The Community Education Specialist requires a mobile telephone and PDA to maintain the education calendar and communications while out of the office performing his duties.
SLCFD in-kind match $15,220.27
The Community Education Specialist will dedicate 40% of his time to CERT Training. The amount has been prorated ($57,096 @ 40% x 8 months) for the grant period May – December 2009. The amount is Salt Lake City’s match for the project
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 4/8/2009
SUBJECT: Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Project
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Division of Homeland Security
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Emergency Management
DATE SUBMITTED: March 25, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
SLC Emergency Management has requested funds to support organizing of three (3) – five (5) Community Prepared Fairs including a City-wide event to coincide with “Be Ready Week”, Sept. 4-9, 2009. The fairs will take place June through September. Fair sites will coincide with council districts boundaries, but will be consolidated in some districts due to time, staffing, and financial constraints. A final schedule has not been prepared. Working with “Be Ready Utah”, these events will also include CERT, Citizen Corps, Red Cross, and other agencies and volunteer organizations to promote volunteer opportunities and recruit qualified volunteers.
EMPG Request $ 24,844.75
Salt Lake City $ 23,137.80
Total Project $47,982.55
SLC Corporation $11,000
Neighborhood event 4 x $1,500 6,000
City-wide Be Ready Week 5,000
The request is for trash removal, turf repair, and other costs associated with event activities. SLC EM is planning on holding the city-wide event on Washington Square, the grounds of the City & County Building
Printing Posters, fliers, etc $10,000
SLC EM will produce materials to promote each community event and materials specific to the city-wide Be Ready Week event.
Community Fairs 4 events x 3 canopies x $121 $1,467
Add’l tables 4 event x 6 tables x $9.75 $ 234
Add’l chairs 4 events x 30 chairs x $1.25 $ 150
Delivery/set-up/tear down $ 250
Be Ready Week event 10 canopies x $121 $1,332.50
Add’l tables 15 tables x $9.75 $ 146.25
Add’l chairs 100 chairs x $1.25 $ 125
Delivery/set-up/tear down $ 250
Total $3,844.75
SLC EM will rent canopies for each event for participants. The canopy cost ($122.25) includes one 1010canopy with top and frame, one table and two folding chairs.
Match Personnel $23,137.80
Emergency Management 8 months x $49,241.28/yr x 65% $20,471.10
VISTA Volunteer 8 months x $25,000/yr x 10% $1,666.70
SLC EM estimates the EM Assistant will spend 65% of her time organizing community preparedness fairs during the grant period. The VISTA volunteer will spend 10% of their time assisting in the preparation of each fair. The EM Assistant salary and benefits $20,471 and VISTA volunteer salary, $16,666.7 are prorated for the grant period May –December, 2009.
Salt Lake City will provide employee resources to organize and implement each event. Types of resources that may be used are from Mayor’s Office, IMS, Parks, Public Utilities, Police, and Fire.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 4/8/2009
SUBJECT: Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Project
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Division of Homeland Security
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Emergency Management
DATE SUBMITTED: March 25, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
SLC Emergency Management has requested funds to purchase equipment an office supplies to support two (2) VISTA volunteers in developing and recruiting volunteers to participate in volunteers opportunities and training such as CERT, Medical Corps, etc. The long term goal is to establish an active Salt Lake City Citizen Corps Council (CCC) that will be integrated into SLC’s emergency planning and response and recovery plans. Emergency Management also requested funds to develop a volunteer tracking database with IMS.
EMPG Request $ 18,016.44
Salt Lake City $ 29,167.25
Total Project $47,183.69
Software Development 90 hours x $69.62/hour $4,316.44
SLC IMS will work with SLC EM to design a volunteer tracking database. SLC EM hopes to use a commercially available spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, so that information may be easily imported and exported as needed. A broadly used program will accessible to staff and volunteers are require little training to become proficient. The program will also be more readily changed and updated as the volunteer program grows and expands.
Office Supplies $6,500.00
General $5,000.00
Display design and production $1,500.00
General office supplies, $5,000 in particular paper, are needed to prepare materials for presentations and participation in community events. SLC EM requests funds for a display system designed to be easily transported and sturdy enough for repeated use under most conditions. The display will be professionally designed and produced to reflect SLC EM, CERT, Citizen Corps, and Be Ready Utah commitment to emergency preparedness.
Match Personnel $29,167.25
VISTA volunteer 8 months x $25,000/yr $16,667.00
VISTA volunteer 8 months x $25,000/yr x 75% $12,500.25
Two VISTA volunteers are assigned to this project. One volunteer will devote 100% of their time to this project. The amount has been prorated for the grant period May - -December 2009. The second volunteer will spend approximately 75% of their time on this project. The amount has been prorated for the grant period May – December 2009
Equipment $7,200.00
Laptop Computer 2 computer x $1,800 each $3,600.00
Blackberry mobile telephone 2 devices x $300 each $600.00
Voice & data service 2 devices x $900/year $1,800.00
Projector 2 x 600 $1,200.00
SLC EM will purchase laptops and projectors to facilitate community presentations. The presentations will be designed to inform individuals, neighborhoods, and business about community preparedness and the important role volunteers play in city emergency planning and response. Presentations will include recruitment for all aspects of a Citizen Corp, including CERT, medical Corps, and Communications/HAM radio operators.