City Council Announcements
March 24, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. In December 2007, the City Council approved Mr. Ed Radford to the alternate position on the Board of Adjustment. At this time, there is a request to adjust Mr. Radford’s position to a full-fledged member and begin his term again. Would the Council be comfortable appointing Mr. Radford without an interview, as he was interviewed in December 2007 prior to his appointment as an alternate member? Ms. Gust-Jenson said Mr. Ed Radford had been interviewed in December of 2007 and some of the members were not on the Council then. She said he became an alternate on the Board of Adjustment and now there was a full position open. She said the Administration wanted to move him into the open position and it would take a Council vote. She asked if the Council wanted to reinterview Mr. Radford? Most Council Members were in favor of not re-interviewing Mr. Radford.
2. The Council Chair would like to propose a standard process for reviewing petitions given the Council's discussion at the retreat.
Provided the new process the Council utilizes to approve grant funding within the Consent Agenda, an outline of the grant applications is below. The details of each grant are also attached. If you have any objections, please speak with a member of staff. Councilmember Christensen said by delaying a decision after a public hearing to another meeting, the Council could end up with a long public comment section as well. Councilmember Love said since they came up with the idea of delaying a decision for a couple of weeks in an effort to be more transparent, maybe it was having a counter effect. She said on the night of the hearing everyone interested was present and they wanted to hear what the Council was thinking. Councilmember Christensen suggested adding a new section before the Public Comments to make final decisions on public hearings that had already been heard. He said if the Council wanted additional comment then they could continue the public hearing. All Council Members were in favor of adding a new section to the agenda before Public Comments to make final decisions on public hearings.. Councilmember Christensen said the new suggestion would be on the next agenda.
Grant Reference Title |
Grant Amount |
Grant Program |
YouthCity at Fairmont Park |
$33,000 |
Safe Passages II |
YouthCity at Ottinger Hall |
$33,000 |
Safe Passages II |
YouthCity at Liberty Park |
$33,000 |
Safe Passages II |
Salt Lake City Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs |
$9,954 |
Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Mini-Grant 2009 |
Hazardous Material Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) |
$3,200 |
Jordan River Parkway Trail Funding |
$322,600 |
Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)
Formula Allotment |
Wasatch Hollow Riparian Restoration |
$38,367 |
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) |
$3,810 |
Drug Free Communities Continuation Grant |
$124,999 |
Salt Lake City Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention |
$16,979 |
Fire Prevention and Safety Grant 2008 |
YouthCity at Central City Recreation Center |
$30,500 |
Youth Connections |
YouthCity at Ottinger Hall |
$30,500 |
Youth Connections |
YouthCity at Liberty Park |
$30,500 |
Youth Connections |
YouthCity at Fairmont Park |
$30,500 |
Youth Connections |
Central-City Environmental Action Coalition of Salt Lake City |
$95,052 |
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Lynn Creswell, Dave Everitt, Ben McAdams
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: 2/14/09
SUBJECT: YouthCity at Fairmont Park
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Workforce Services
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Fairmont Aquatic Center and One World Cafe
DATE SUBMITTED: February 12, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Match Required 100% In-Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant will fund the wages for five Group Facilitators II to supervise youth attending the after-school and summer program of YouthCity at Fairmont Park and will fund snacks for participants between June 1, 2009 and May 31, 2010.
The matching funds of $33,000 will be supplied through a portion of the salary of the Site Coordinator.
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Lynn Creswell, Dave Everitt, Ben McAdams
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: 2/14/09
SUBJECT: YouthCity at Ottinger Hall
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Workforce Services
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: American Institute of Graphic Arts, Somos Foundation, and Westminster College
DATE SUBMITTED: February 12, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Match Required 100% In-Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant will fund the wages for five Group Facilitators II to supervise youth attending the after-school and summer program of YouthCity at Ottinger Hall between June 1, 2009 and May 31, 2010.
The matching funds of $33,000 will be supplied through a portion of the salary of the Site Coordinator.
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Lynn Creswell, Dave Everitt, Ben McAdams
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: 2/14/09
SUBJECT: YouthCity at Liberty Park
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Workforce Services
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: American Institute of Graphic Arts, Somos Foundation, and Westminster College
DATE SUBMITTED: February 12, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Match Required 100% In-Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant will fund the wages for five Group Facilitators II to supervise youth attending the after-school and summer program of YouthCity at Liberty Park and will fund snacks for participants between June 1, 2009 and May 31, 2010.
The matching funds of $33,000 will be supplied through a portion of the salary of the Site Coordinator.
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Gina Chamness, Sherrie Collins, Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Karen Halladay, Ben McAdams, Sylvia Richards, Lehua Weaver
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: 2/19/09
SUBJECT: Salt Lake City Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Health
GRANT PROGRAM: Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Mini-Grant 2009
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Office of the Mayor
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Coalition for Tobacco Free Utah, Salt Lake Valley Health Department, Utah Department of Health
DATE SUBMITTED: February 19, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: One hourly intern to work six hours a week for 78 weeks (detail provided below)
Match Required 100% In-Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
If awarded, the grant request of $9,954 would fund the following costs for the Salt Lake City Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs to implement the 18-month project, Smoke-Free Multiple Dwelling Units:
Wages and benefits totaling $7,557 for an hourly intern to assist Abbie Vianes, Coordinator of the Salt Lake City Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs, to initiate, educate, and advocate for a voluntary smoke-free policy change within existing multiple dwelling units in Salt Lake City (wages: $15 per hour x 6 hours per week x 78 weeks = $7,020; benefits: $7,020 x 7.65% = $537); and
Supplies, incentives, printing, and copying totaling $2,397 for activities associated with the project.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 3/25/2009
SUBJECT: Hazardous Material Emergency Preparedness (HMEP)
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah State Fire Marshall
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Emergency Management/Fire Dept.
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 20% $620 In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
This is an annual award from the state. The city uses the funds to reimburse participants for mileage to attend trainings and meetings.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 3/25/2009
SUBJECT: Jordan River Parkway Trail Funding
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Land & Water Conservation Fund/UT State Parks & Recreation
REQUESTED AMOUNT: $ 322,600.00
DATE SUBMITTED: October 15, 208
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 100% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant would provide funds for completing the trail from Redwood Road to boundary with Dais County.
The project will complete the shared use trail of the Jordan River Parkway Trail from Redwood Road (1800 North) to the Salt Lake City boundary with Davis County. The project includes;
1) Grading,
2) Construction of a 10 ft wide paves walking/bicycle path with a 5 ft soft trail for equestrian recreation,
3) Improvements to an existing bridge including handrails, and
4) Construction of an elevated trail system over the wetland area.
The council previously passed Resolution 8, 2009 concerning matching funds for this project
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 3/25/2009
SUBJECT: Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)
FUNDING AGENCY: UT Div. of Homeland Security
REQUESTED AMOUNT: $ Formula allotment
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Emergency Management
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 50% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The EMPG is an annual formula from the state to pay a portion of the Emergency Management Program Manager’s salary.
The match is met with the city’s portion of the Manager’s salary.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 3/25/2009
SUBJECT: Wasatch Hollow Riparian Restoration
FUNDING AGENCY: 5 Star Restoration Program/ National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Open Lands/Sustainability
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Salt Lake County, Westminster College, Utah Open Lands
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required >100% In Kind Cash $49,800.00
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant will provide funds to re contour stream banks, remove invasive plants, and plant native tress and shrubs along 6.3 acres of Emigration Creek north and adjacent to Wasatch Hollow Park (1650 East 1700 South).
The city and its partners are making the match ($49,800.00) through staff time to facilitate the public planning process for the restoration and conservation of the area, along with public education and volunteer hours to clear debris and invasive plants and plant new indigenous plant species.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 3/25/2009
SUBJECT: Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Mayor’s Office, SLC Gang Reduction Program
DATE SUBMITTED: February 28, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required % In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant requests funds to send 3 people to the Office of Juvenile Justice Program Gang Model Training for a multi agency team in Orlando FL.
The grant requests the money be spent paying complete cost for 2 members of the team and additional funds be used to supplement the costs for 3 additional team members.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Sarah Behrens
DATE: 3/25/2009
SUBJECT: Drug Free Communities Continuation Grant
FUNDING AGENCY: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs
DATE SUBMITTED: March 2, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides 1 FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 100% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The Mayor’s Coalition on ATOD is applying for its 7th year of funding with the Drug Free Communities Support Program.
The requested fund will continue paying the salary of the Coalition Coordinator and a percentage of the Grant Manager. The grant also requests funds for travel for 3 separate conferences for the Coalition Coordinator, Coalition Board members, and community youth for a Youth Leadership Initiative. Other costs include production of Televised Community Forums on Channel 17, evaluation of the program, and website maintenance.
The match, totaling $1166,725 is met through mayor’s staff time, coalition members volunteer time, a portion of the evaluation costs donated by Bach Harrison, LLC and the inclusion of substance abuse prevention material and messages in the quarterly water bills.
The budget summary is attached.
Budget Summary
Budget Category Federal Request Non-Federal Match Total
A. Personnel $56,208 $2,755 $58,963
B. Fringe Benefits $15,580 $899 $16,479
C. Travel $10,171 $0 $10,171
D. Equipment $0 $0 $0
E. Supplies $0 $0 $0
F. Construction $0 $0 $0
G. Consultants/Contracts $28,605 $59,270 $87,875
H. Other $14,435 $103,800 $118,235
Total Direct Costs* $124,999 $166,724 $288,198
I. Indirect Costs $0 $0 $0
Total Project Costs $124,999 $166,724 $291,723
* Total Direct Costs
Federal Request $124,999
Non-Federal Request $166,725
Total Project Costs
Federal Request $124,999
Non-Federal Request $166,724
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Gina Chamness, Sherrie Collins, Dave Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jenson, Karen Halladay, Ben McAdams, Sylvia Richards, Lehua Weaver
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: 3/5/09
SUBJECT: Salt Lake City Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention
FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Department of Homeland Security
GRANT PROGRAM: Fire Prevention and Safety Grant 2008
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Utah Division of Aging and Adult Services
DATE SUBMITTED: March 4, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 20% In-Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In-House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Grant monies totaling $16,979 were requested to fund three fire prevention and safety programs of the Salt Lake City Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention:
1) Smoke Alarm Campaign: $7,004 to purchase and distribute 412 smoke alarms to low-income households or homes of older adults with disabilities. The City match of $1,411 will purchase 83 smoke alarms for distribution.
2) Arson Detection/Prevention: $4,825 to purchase an arson surveillance equipment kit for the Salt Lake City Fire Department Fire Investigations Unit. The City match of $965 will cover the remaining costs to purchase the arson surveillance equipment kit.
3) General Prevention/Awareness: $5,150 to purchase and distribute age-appropriate fire prevention awareness materials to children ages 14 and younger. The City match of $1,030 will purchase 954 fun safety books and 954 fire prevention color books.
The cash match of $3,406 is supplied through funds designated for supplies/materials and equipment in the general operating budget of the Salt Lake City Fire Department. A summary by project is provide below:
Project Federal Request City Match
Smoke Alarm Campaign $7,004 $1,411
Arson Detection/Prevention $4,825 $965
General Prevention/Awareness $5,150 $1,030
Total $16,979 $3,406
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Gina Chamness, Sherrie Collins, David Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jensen, Karen Halladay, Ben McAdams, Sylvia Richards, Lehua Weaver
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: March 18, 2009
SUBJECT: YouthCity at Central City Recreation Center
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Workforce Services
GRANT PROGRAM: Youth Connections
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: American Institute of Graphic Arts-Salt Lake City and Utah Hispanic Business Leadership Foundation/Somos Foundation
DATE SUBMITTED: March 12, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Match Required 100% In-Kind OR Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant application proposes to fund general operating expenses of Youth City at Central City Recreation Center to implement out-of-school time activities for elementary-age youth to build skills for healthy interpersonal relationships and financial literacy.
If awarded, the grant request of $30,500 will fund:
1) A portion of the salary of the site coordinator;
2) Hourly wages for group facilitators I & II;
3) Snacks for participants.
The matching funds of $30,500 will be supplied through a portion of the fiscal year 2009/2010 operating budget of YouthCity.
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Gina Chamness, Sherrie Collins, David Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jensen, Karen Halladay, Ben McAdams, Sylvia Richards, Lehua Weaver
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: March 18, 2009
SUBJECT: YouthCity at Ottinger Hall
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Workforce Services
GRANT PROGRAM: Youth Connections
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: American Institute of Graphic Arts Salt Lake City and Utah Hispanic Business Leadership Foundation/Somos Foundation
DATE SUBMITTED: March 12, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Match Required 100% In-Kind OR Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant application proposes to fund general operating expenses of Youth City at Ottinger Hall to implement out-of-school time activities for elementary-age youth to build skills for healthy interpersonal relationships and financial literacy.
If awarded, the grant request of $30,500 will fund:
4) A portion of the salary of the site coordinator;
5) Hourly wages for three activity instructors
6) Program materials and supplies; and
7) Snacks for participants.
The matching funds of $30,500 will be supplied through a portion of the fiscal year 2009/2010 operating budget of YouthCity.
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Gina Chamness, Sherrie Collins, David Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jensen, Karen Halladay, Ben McAdams, Sylvia Richards, Lehua Weaver
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: March 18, 2009
SUBJECT: YouthCity at Liberty Park
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Workforce Services
GRANT PROGRAM: Youth Connections
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: American Institute of Graphic Arts Salt Lake City and Utah Hispanic Business Leadership Foundation/Somos Foundation
DATE SUBMITTED: March 12, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Match Required 100% In-Kind OR Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant application proposes to fund general operating expenses of Youth City at Liberty Park to implement out-of-school time activities for elementary-age youth to build skills for healthy interpersonal relationships and financial literacy .
If awarded, the grant request of $30,500 will fund:
8) A portion of the salary of the site coordinator;
9) Hourly wages for group facilitators I & II;
10) Program materials and supplies; and
11) Snacks for participants.
The matching funds of $30,500 will be supplied through a portion of the fiscal year 2009/2010 operating budget of YouthCity.
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Gina Chamness, Sherrie Collins, David Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jensen, Karen Halladay, Ben McAdams, Sylvia Richards, Lehua Weaver
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: March 18, 2009
SUBJECT: YouthCity at Fairmont Park
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Workforce Services
GRANT PROGRAM: Youth Connections
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Friendship Manor and Utah Hispanic Business Leadership Foundation/Somos Foundation/
DATE SUBMITTED: March 12, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Match Required 100% In-Kind OR Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant application proposes to fund general operating expenses of Youth City at Fairmont Park to implement out-of-school time activities for elementary-age youth to build skills for healthy interpersonal relationships and financial literacy.
If awarded, the grant request of $30,500 will fund:
12) A portion of the salary of the site coordinator;
13) Materials and supplies;
14) Transportation for the youth from the school to the site; and
15) Snacks for participants.
The matching funds of $30,500 will be supplied through a portion of the fiscal year 2009/2010 operating budget of YouthCity.
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Gina Chamness, Sherrie Collins, David Everitt, Cindy Gust-Jensen, Karen Halladay, Ben McAdams, Sylvia Richards, Lehua Weaver
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: 3/17/09
SUBJECT: Central-City Environmental Action Coalition of Salt Lake City
FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
GRANT PROGRAM: Community Action for a Renewed Environment Program (CARE)
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Management Services
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: 3form; Gina Alvarez, west-side resident; Salt Lake Valley Health Department; Sun Products; University of Utah University Neighborhood Partners; Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; and Gina Zivkovic, west-side resident
DATE SUBMITTED: March 16, 2009
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 0% In Kind (see below) Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The grant application proposes to fund two-years of Phase I (planning, prioritizing, and consensus building) efforts of the Central-City Environmental Action Coalition of Salt Lake City.
The purpose of the Central-City Environmental Action Coalition of Salt Lake City is to foster a process of sustained community engagement for central-city/west-side residents, businesses, local government and other partners to develop an understanding of local sources of risks from toxic pollutants and multi-media environmental concerns and to develop a set of community risks reduction priorities.
If awarded, the grant request of $95,052 will fund:
a) The City’s costs for fiscal management of the federal funds;
b) Travel for the program manager, the Outreach Coordinator for the City’s Division of Sustainability and the Environment, and a member of the Coalition to attend the annual national training workshops conducted by the EPA-CARE;
c) Contractual services from University Neighborhood Partners to facilitate community engagement activities; conduct community in-put gathering and assessment studies; assist with the dissemination of multi-media environmental education materials to central-city/west-side residents and businesses; gather and analyze community concerns for air, water, and land issues; and generate a Community Findings Report; and
d) Design and printing costs for the multi-media environmental education materials and consensus report of the Central-city Environmental Action Coalition.
No matching funds are required by the EPA.