2008 Council Announcements

December 2, 2008


Additional City Council Announcements

December 2, 2008



A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

The Small Business Subcommittee met in November with Gordon N. Smith and Markus Vodosek of the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business about conducting a national survey of best practices among cities to nurture and foster small businesses.


          Mr. Smith and Mr. Vodosek proposed that graduate students in the university’s MBA program conduct a survey of best practices nationally that might be applied in Salt Lake City to help small businesses. However, Mr. Smith indicated that Salt Lake City pay the Eccles School of Business $10,000 to perform the survey. Mr. Smith orally confirmed that amount after the meeting and later in writing.


          As indicated earlier, some concern was raised by a Subcommittee member voiced over the amount and suggested that perhaps a better route to the same end might be to check with the Local First Utah organization to see if that group’s consultant might perform the study – possibly for less. In checking with other Subcommittee members, they suggested that an alternative might be to spread the cost of the Eccles School of business among the City Council, the Community and Economic Development Department and the Redevelopment Agency. One of the Council Members has expressed concern about using RDA funds. Meanwhile, one of the members of the private sector sent an e-mail to the City Council suggesting that the City could conduct the survey of best practices itself.


          Given that, Council staff is seeking some direction. It appears that it would be difficult for the Council Office to bear the entire $10,000 cost of the survey. If the cost were split three or four ways, it would fall to roughly between $2,500 and $3,300. Staff included the RDA as a potential source because there are small businesses operating in redevelopment districts, and during the Small Business Subcommittee meeting, some of the conversation focused on infrastructure improvements that might help small businesses. It is not clear that CED might want to participate in sharing the cost of the survey. Council staff also has contacted the Chamber of Commerce about its interest in participating.


          It seems that there are four choices available to the City Council:

     Do not do the study.

     Perform the study in house, as suggested by the member of the private sector.

     Check with Utah Local First to see if a consultant working with that group might perform the study for less.

     Divide the cost and have the Eccles School of Business perform the study.


What direction to staff would the City Council like to give?

Most Council Members were in favor of moving forward and checking with Utah Local First and the Chamber of Commerce.  Councilmember Jergensen suggested waiting to see where Chamber of Commerce was as far as the Central Business District.  Councilmember Simonsen said new partners were needed for financing. 



B.    Information Needed by Council Staff


Council Member Simonsen would like to coordinate with the PRATT Coalition to hold an event recognizing the recently passed Interlocal Agreement for the Woodbury Property and its impact on The Draw at Sugar House. This event would not be scheduled until the property closing has been completed, but Council Member Simonsen would like to begin with a press advisory emphasizing the adoption of the Interlocal Agreement.

Does the Council support immediately sending out a press advisory regarding the recently passed Interlocal Agreement and its purpose in completing a portion of Parley’s Trail Draw project?

Would the Chair be interested in providing a comment for the press advisory?

Is the Council supportive of having a comment also from the District Seven Council Member?

Is the Council supportive of an event being held in District Seven noting the importance of the Interlocal Agreement and Property Closure?

Councilmember Simonsen asked for authorization from the Council to sent out a press release and to work with the Pratt Coalition for an event when the closing happens on the property transaction.  All Council Members were in favor.


December 2, 2008

City Council Announcements

December 2, 2008


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff


1.    Council staff has prepared a draft letter inviting Salt Lake City legislators to a breakfast with Mayor Ralph Becker, the City Council and the City’s legislative team. The letter contains an alternate second sentence.

Which sentence does the City Council prefer to use in the final version of the letter?

a) We hope you will join us for a breakfast with Salt Lake City’s legislative team to discuss the Legislature’s 2009 session.

b) The Salt Lake City Council and I hope you will join us for a breakfast with the City legislative team to discuss the Legislature’s 2009 session. 

      Does the Council approve the attached letter, with the sentence chosen above?


B. For Your Information

1.    Below is a Grant Submission submitted by the City. 

Grant Application Submission Notification Memo

TO:         Jennifer Bruno, Lyn Creswell, Dave Everitt, Ben McAdams

FROM:       Elizabeth Myers

DATE:       11/21/08

SUBJECT:    900 South Greenway:  Pollution Reduction Wetlands Demonstration


FUNDING AGENCY:   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

GRANT PROGRAM:    Building Healthy Communities for Active Aging: Training and Demonstration Projects


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Management Services

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:       National Park Service, Salt Lake County Flood Control and Engineering Division, and Salt Lake County Water Resources Planning and Restoration Program

DATE SUBMITTED:   November 21, 2008


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment/Supplies Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant



      Match Required     0%            In Kind (see below)                      Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)



     If awarded, the grant will provide funding for the City to reduce stormwater pollution entering the Jordan River by increasing the filtration capacity of a wetlands at the intersection of the Jordan River Parkway, Jordan River and the future 9th South Greenway (address:  900 South and 1000 West).


     No matching funds are required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  However, the City is contributing a voluntary in-kind match of $6,962 through donated staff time toward the project implementation.  The voluntary match was included to increase the competitiveness of the City’s application for this highly competitive national grant solicitation by the EPA.  The in-kind match consists of the:


a)    Open Space Lands Program Manager for the City’s Division of Sustainability devoting 120 hours to serve as the project coordinator and to develop a toolkit for national dissemination that documents the smart growth strategies used and the stormwater pollution reduction resulting from the demonstration;

b)    Stormwater Engineer for Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities devoting 16 hours toward oversight of the design and construction of the wetlands;

c)    Design Technician for Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities devoting 24 hours toward the design of the wetlands and to coordinate the design with the Jordan River Parkway and the future 9th South Greenway; and

d)    Construction Inspector for Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities devoting 40 hours to inspect the wetlands construction performed by a contracted construction company.





December xx, 2008



(Senator, Representative) First Name/ Last Name

Address Block Here



Dear (Senator, Representative) Last Name Here:


      Congratulations on your (re-election, election) to the Utah Legislature. We hope you will join us for a breakfast with Salt Lake City’s legislative team to discuss the Legislature’s 2009 session. (ALTERNATE SECOND SENTENCE: The Salt Lake City Council and I hope you will join us for a breakfast with the City legislative team to discuss the Legislature’s 2009 session.) The breakfast will be held January 5 at the Main Library in the Fourth Floor Meeting Room from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.


We would like to share the City’s perspectives on legislative issues we think will affect Salt Lake City in 2008. We also want to hear from you on issues you think may affect Salt Lake City.


      The Main Library is located at 210 East 400 South Street. Parking validation will be available for the underground parking below the library. The parking is accessible from 400 South Street.


We hope you will attend and work with us to make Salt Lake City fulfill its potential as Utah’s premier city where our children will want to remain and where people from all walks of life will want to live and enjoy.


Please RSVP to Cindy Harris or Russell Weeks at 535-7600. We hope you will join us.





      Ralph Becker                                    Jill Remington Love

      Salt Lake City Mayor                            City Council Chair



Cc: City Council Members

       Mayor Ralph Becker

      Cindy Gust-Jenson

      Ben McAdams

      Lynn Pace