City Council Announcements
December 7, 2010
B. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. The Social Media for Government conference, January 31-February 3, 2011, in Toronto, Canada, was previously talked about by the Council. This conference includes the involvement of governmental agencies in Canada that will share their experiences with social media -- Toronto Police Service; Ontario Ministry of Labour; US Dept of State; City of Kitchener, Ontario; Halton Region, Ontario; City of Ottawa, Ontario; Royal Bank of Canada; Public Service Commission of Canada, etc.
Since the Council discussed this conference, Council staff has since received information about a Social Media for Government Conference in Washington, DC, February 14-27.
Looking at both packages, they are both being sponsored by the same organization “Advanced Learning Institute” -- same agenda – same costs
Register 3
people, 4th is free. Registration costs reflect a $400 early
registration discount.
Seminar only: $1,299
plus one workshop: $1,699
Seminar plus two workshops: $1,999
plus 3 workshops: $2,199
Seminar plus all workshops: $2,299
What you will learn:
• Developing a social media strategy to drive performance-based communications
• Building senior management support for your social media programs
• Integrating social media tools into your internal and external communications practices
• Enabling conversation and collaboration
• Creating Web 2.0 policies and guidelines
• Communicating more effectively and efficiently through the use of social media avenues such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook blogs, Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, video podcasts, etc.
• Measuring the effectiveness of your social media strategy and demonstrating its value within your organization
• Monitoring social media for your organization, whether you are participating or not
• Demonstrating the Return on Investment of your social media program
• Operating social media tools within the boundaries of government restrictions and firewalls
• Gaining inside knowledge of social media and why it is a crucial addition to your communication arsenal
• Maximizing awareness of your agenda’s mission to the public
• Learning how to easily communicate to the public through external blogs, podcasts and video podcasting
Are any of the Council Members interested in attending either conference?
Councilmember Love said Art Raymond from the Mayor’s Office should attaend
2. City County Landfill Possible Resolution – A County Council Sanitation Committee is discussing the possibility of forwarding a resolution restricting types of waste received at the Landfill. This would be considered by the County on December 14. As proposed, the restriction would divert commercial drop-offs, and reduce the amount of waste at the Landfill by almost 40%. This would require increasing tipping fees, and reducing revenues.
This would have significant impacts to the Landfill budget, and the City’s Refuse Fund & Sustainability Office budgets. For the Refuse Fund collection services, this would affect the amounts charged to residents for the service. For the Office of Sustainability, which is funded almost entirely by the dividend received from the Landfill, their budget may be reduced by over $300,000. Attached is a fact sheet outlining concerns and impacts if the proposal is advanced.
If the County adopts the proposed resolution, it would still need to come to the City and the Landfill Council for review and consideration. The Landfill budget currently before the Council in tonight’s public hearing section does not anticipate the adoption of the resolution. The Landfill budget would need to be amended if the diversion proposed in the resolution is implemented.