City Council Announcements
December 14, 2010
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. On the 2011 calendar approved by the Council, the Council retreat was listed tentatively on Tuesday, January 25, 2011.
Would the Council like to hold the retreat on January 25, 2011 (calendar attached)? Yes Councilmember Christensen asked staff to send a reminder to Council Members.
City Council Announcements
December 14, 2010
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Council Member Simonsen has been approached by the Sugar House Farmers Market requesting a letter of support for their application to the I.R.S. for 501c3 non-profit status. The letter has been drafted and Council Member Simonsen is wondering if the other Council Members would like to be included on the letter.
Would other Council Members like to be included in the attached letter? Yes
2. The Council authorized a position in the last budget amendment to hire a person who would focus on increasing media outreach for Council, Mayor, and City-wide issues. The City hired Art Raymond, who was previously the reporter assigned to the City from the Deseret News.
One of his duties will be to increase immediate media outreach after Council actions, and ideally have some sort of summary or press release in the days following a Council meeting, that can report the Council’s action and focus media attention on the important policy issues. Tonight is his first “trial run” at this process, so we will be keeping the Council in the loop as to how this progresses. Art also has many other ideas about how to increase general awareness of the Council’s role and actions, including using Channel 17 for more detailed features.
Please let staff know if you have any thoughts about this as we proceed.