City Council Announcements
February 14, 2006
1. Attached is the Quarterly update from Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council for the 4th Quarter of Calendar Year 2005. Would the Council like to request a briefing on this information?
Councilmember Christensen said he would like to be briefed on what they would use the land fill for when it was full. He said he was interested in the legal issues of SLVSWM fund balance. Councilmember Buhler asked if the City was doing anything to acquire property for a new land fill. Councilmember Jergensen said the concern was with surplus funds. A budget briefing should be held.
2. Recently the Council received a letter from Envision Utah regarding resources they have available for government officials to address growth issues in their communities. The letter included a request to make a presentation to the Council regarding the new ‘Compact Housing Toolkit’ developed by this organization. Attached is a short summary of information provided in the toolkit.
The document defines compact housing as any smaller lot single-family homes, attached units, or multi-family buildings that help meet the housing needs for citizens of all ages and incomes, such as college-age students, young married couples starting out, a single mom with children, people with disabilities, and the elderly.
Areas that are addressed in the document include: 1) Housing Facts, 2) Markets, 3) Realities and Concerns, 4) Solutions, and 5) Model Ordinances and Zoning Regulations.
Would Council Members like to receive a presentation from Envision Utah representatives?
The Housing sub-committee will meet with Envision Utah. Councilmember Buhler asked staff to find out what the Administration was doing with Envision Utah and what the briefing was about.
Additional Announcements
February 14, 2006
1. Follow-up question on the proposal to define a significant parcel of real property: Council Members, staff forgot to ask about the time provided for the Council to call for a hearing on property conveyance issues. The current ordinance allows 15 days from when the Council receives notice of the conveyance. The proposal would provide seven (7) days from the Planning Commission hearing for the Council to request a hearing. Would the Council prefer to keep the current practice of receiving notice and having 15 days to call for a hearing?
All Council Members present were in favor of staying with the 15 day practice.
2. The District One Off-Site City Council Meeting will be held on March 9 at Backman Elementary. The family of Gustav Backman, the man the school is named for, is presenting a portrait of him to the school. Principal Fern Wilkerson has asked if the presentation by the Backman family could be made at the beginning of the City Council meeting. Would the Council like to schedule this presentation at the beginning of the March 9 meeting?
All Council Members present were in favor of the presentation.
3. Discussion and list of regarding meetings requested by Council Members.
Council Members will respond to Mary.
4. Discussion regarding Leonardo priorities and letter for legislature to fund.
Councilmember Jergensen will draft a letter.