2006 Council Announcements

February 23, 2006


and February 21, 2006

City Council Announcements

February 21, 2006


A. Information Needed by Council Staff


1. Meeting requests for Council Members from individuals and groups are increasing.  In an effort to assist Council staff in being able to provide Council Members sufficient information regarding each meeting request prior to scheduling, Council staff has prepared a DRAFT form that they would ask individuals/groups to fill out whenever a meeting request is made.  Council staff’s intent is to have a user friendly form that can be easily filled in as an electronic document ensuring a quick turn around through email for fax.  Please let Council staff know if this is a feasible option to help manage the meeting request workload and whether it will help Council Members to be better informed of the purpose of each meeting request.  Council Members were in favor of the form.  Councilmember Buhler said the form could be modified after Council Members had a chance to use it.


2.    Audited Financial Statements of Salt Lake City Public Library – Attached is the annual financial report for the Salt Lake City Public Library.  The CPA firm Hansen, Barnett & Maxwell audited these financial statements.  The Library's general fund revenue exceeded budget by $799,000 and expenditures were under budget by $738,000 for a total increase to the Library's fund balance of $1,537,000. Let staff know if you have questions or would like a briefing.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said they would be coming back to the Council with a briefing.  She said this year’s revenues were not coming in as originally projected. 



City Council Announcements

February 23, 2006


2. The Administration would like to know if the City Council is ok with the Salt Lake Community Action Program (CAP) moving $30,000 from their Tenant Based Rental Assistance program, and $2,900 of their administrative expenses to their Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utilities (STRMU) allowance program.  The Council awarded $150,000 of funds to CAP from the 2005-2006 Housing Opportunities for Person with Aids (HOPWA) program.  This request is not for additional funds, but for the permission to move funds from one approved line item to another approved line item.  The Council has previously had a policy that groups receiving grant funding should not be allowed to make line item changes within an approved budget.  However, CAP has experienced a much higher demand for their STRMU funds during the past six months than was anticipated when they originally submitted their application to the City, which could largely be due to the dramatic increase in utility costs.  Is the Council ok with CAP shifting some of their funding within their own program to respond to the unexpected demand of their clients, or would the Council like to have a briefing on the matter? Councilmember Christensen said he had concerns about the 17% social service limits.   Ms. Gust-Jenson said she would get more information.  Councilmember Saxton asked had they received requests that they don’t have money for and wanted to know how much those requests were.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said she would provide information on the next announcements.



2. The Long Range Planning for the Homeless Committee will be holding their March meeting at City Hall hosted by the City.  This meeting is held during the lunch hour and lunch is generally provided by the host organization.  When the City has hosted this meeting in the past, the cost of the lunch has been split between the council office, the Mayor’s office and the Housing and Neighborhood Development Division.  Would Council Member approve paying for 1/3 of the cost of lunch for this meeting? The Council was ok with this as long as the meals were not extravagant.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said lunches would consist of sandwiches.


Salt Lake City Council Meeting Request Form


Given the significant number of requests to meet with Council Members and the fact that Council Members have other full-time employment, the majority of the Council has indicated that they would prefer that groups or individuals requesting meetings submit their requests in writing with enough specificity so that the Council Members can determine:

a.    Whether a public briefing on the work session agenda may be in order.

b.    Whether they would like to schedule small group meetings.

c.    Whether they would like to suggest handling the matter over the telephone.

d.    Whether further written information would be helpful.  


The Council Members often find that telephone conversations can effectively take the place of meetings, while saving time for all parties.  If the telephone approach would work for your issue, please let us know.

Please note that if four or more Council Members attend a meeting at the same time, the meeting becomes public and the Council Office is required by law to post an agenda for the meeting.

Please provide information requested below to help Council Members determine how best to handle your request.

1.    Group/Individual making request:

2.    Individuals aside from Council Members who will be joining your meeting:

3.    Purpose of Meeting Request (please be specific):


4.    Council Member(s) you wish to meet with:

5.    Length of time being requested:

 15 minutes            30 minutes          45 minutes           Other:_____________

6.    List meeting dates/times that you cannot meet:

7.    Meeting Deadline:
a)   Is the meeting time sensitive?         yes            no

b)   Time sensitivity is based upon:

8.    Other comments/details:



February 21, 2006

not discussed

City Council Announcements

February 21, 2006



A. Information Needed by Council Staff


1. Meeting requests for Council Members from individuals and groups are increasing.  In an effort to assist Council staff in being able to provide Council Members sufficient information regarding each meeting request prior to scheduling, Council staff has prepared a DRAFT form that they would ask individuals/groups to fill out whenever a meeting request is made.  Council staff’s intent is to have a user friendly form that can be easily filled in as an electronic document ensuring a quick turn around through email for fax.  Please let Council staff know if this is a feasible option to help manage the meeting request workload and whether it will help Council Members to be better informed of the purpose of each meeting request.


2.    Audited Financial Statements of Salt Lake City Public Library – Attached is the annual financial report for the Salt Lake City Public Library.  The CPA firm Hansen, Barnett & Maxwell audited these financial statements.  The Library's general fund revenue exceeded budget by $799,000 and expenditures were under budget by $738,000 for a total increase to the Library's fund balance of $1,537,000. Let staff know if you have questions or would like a briefing.


B. For Your Information


1. Attached is a grant application submitted by the City.


Salt Lake City Council Meeting Request Form

Given the significant number of requests to meet with Council Members and the fact that Council Members have other full-time employment, the majority of the Council has indicated that they would prefer that groups or individuals requesting meetings submit their requests in writing with enough specificity so that the Council Members can determine:

a.    Whether a public briefing on the work session agenda may be in order.

b.    Whether they would like to schedule small group meetings.

c.    Whether they would like to suggest handling the matter over the telephone.

d.    Whether further written information would be helpful.  

The Council Members often find that telephone conversations can effectively take the place of meetings, while saving time for all parties.  If the telephone approach would work for your issue, please let us know.

Please note that if four or more Council Members attend a meeting at the same time, the meeting becomes public and the Council Office is required by law to post an agenda for the meeting.

Please provide information requested below to help Council Members determine how best to handle your request.

1.    Group/Individual making request:

2.    Individuals aside from Council Members who will be joining your meeting:

3.    Purpose of Meeting Request (please be specific):


4.    Council Member(s) you wish to meet with:

5.    Length of time being requested:

 15 minutes            30 minutes          45 minutes           Other:_____________

6.    List meeting dates/times that you cannot meet:

7.    Meeting Deadline:
a)   Is the meeting time sensitive?         yes            no

b)   Time sensitivity is based upon:

Other comments/details:

Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 2/17/2006

SUBJECT:    Pre-disaster Mitigation Grant

FUNDING AGENCY:   FEMA. Dept. of Homeland Security   

REQUESTED AMOUNT:  $2,420,719.09   



DATE SUBMITTED:   February 14, 2006


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant



      Match Required       25%                  In Kind         Cash    $808,906.39

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)



Salt Lake City has applied for a FEMA Pre-disaster Mitigation grant to defray the costs of the seismic retrofit of the former City Library Building located at 209 East 500 South.  The seismic retrofit is part of the renovation of the building for the Leonardo@Library Square.


The match will be met with funds from the $10 million construction bond dedicated to the renovation of the structure.