City Council Announcements
January 4, 2000
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. LOCAL OFFICALS’ DAY: On Wednesday, January 19, the Utah League of Cities and Towns has invited Council Members to participate in the annual Local Officals’ Day. Registration deadline is January 5. At this time Council Member Carlton Christensen is the only Council Member registered for the event. Are other Council Members interested?
2. NLC CONFERENCE: Registration is now being accepted for the Annual Congressional City Conference in Washington D.C. The Conference is March 10 – 14. Sponsored by the National League of Cities. A conference brochure was placed in Council Members’ mail in December. Deadline for registration is February 4. Please let Veronica Wilson know if you are interested in attending.
A: Council Members Carlton Christensen, Tom Rogan, Roger Thompson, Dave Buhler are not interested in attending. Council Members Van Turner and Keith Christensen are still considering and Council Member Nancy Saxton would like to attend.
Council Member Keith Christensen has requested the Council staff to reserve four rooms at the JW Marriott and Sheraton as a precautionary measure.
3. RETREAT: Based on input from Council Members, the date suggested for the Council retreat is Thursday, January 20, 2000.
Staff has received mixed reaction on the location. Could Council Members discuss further whether to hold an all-day session at Roger Thompson’s home in Morgan, or an early afternoon session in the City and County Building.
A: Council would like to have the retreat at Roger Thompson’s home. Council Member Keith Christensen maybe out of town on the 20th. He will verify this and get back with the Council. Staff will hold off on making further arrangements until a date has been set. Since several Council Members are interested in attending the Sundance Film Festival Opening Night reception the Work Session on the 20th will scheduled as light as possible.
4. PROPERTY CONVEYANCES: Below are three conveyances. Do Council Members wish to hold hearings?
A: No hearings requested. Council would like more detail information regarding the MHJ Block property trade agreement.
i) Broadway Lofts Condominiums adjacent to the old Dixon Paper Building (39 W. Broadway) would like to encroach on the right-of-way for the opening up of the window wells which reportedly existed historically. Work has already begun/completed without the general knowledge of City employees. The existing railing surrounding the window wells does not meet code. Any pending permits will not be issued until the railing has been addressed and a lease agreement has been signed. ($350 annually is the compensation.)
ii) Land trade between the City and the RDA in the Hidden Hollow Natural Area (2100 South to Wilmington Ave. and 1100 East to 1300 East). See attached site drawing. Parcel B-1 and B-2 will be traded for parcel A. This exchange will help facilitate the redevelopment of properties along Wilmington Avenue, and is consitent with the Sugar house Neighborhood Development Plan.
iii) Tanner Park (2449 E. Heritage Way). This conveyance is one component of an agreement with the City and the County to eliminate the County’s ownership and use of the Metropolitan Hall of Justice Block (AKA: MHJ Block located just east of the City and County Building) . The County will gain ownership of Tanner Park valued at $900,000. As part of the conveyance this property will continue to be used for recreational purposes. The total agreement was reviewed and supported by the City Council. The County’s interest in the MHJ block was valued at over 1 million dollars. Since the City did not have the cash to give the County, both parties negotiated other avenues for compensation which have included Fairmont Pool, Tanner Park, and fee waivers to total the amount of the MHJ Block.
5. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR FINANCIAL AUDITING SERVICES: The Council’s financial audit contract with the CPA firm PricewaterhouseCoopers expires at the end of the current audit for the year ended June 30, 1999. The Council is required by State law to provide an annual audit of the City’s financial statements by a Certified Public Accounting firm. In addition to an audit of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report the auditor is required to express an opinion on the separate financial statements for the Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Stormwater Fund, Airports Fund, Public Library, and the Redevelopment Agency. A single audit of grants is also required under the Single Audit Act.
Council staff is developing a request for proposal (RFP) to invite qualified CPA firms to submit a proposal. This draft document has been reviewed by representatives of the Controller’s Office, Department of Airports, Department of Public Utilities, Redevelopment Agency, and Public Library. The City’s Purchasing Division is now reviewing the draft document. Additional input will be sought from the new Administration.
In the past, a selection committee has been formed to select finalists. It has been composed of at least two staff members from the Council Office and one representative from each of the following: Management Services/Controller’s Office, Department of Airports, Department of Public Utilities, Redevelopment Agency, and Public Library. As an alternative or in addition, the Council may wish to appoint a Council subcommittee to review the proposals of finalists and make a recommendation to the entire Council. The subcommittee or entire Council may wish to conduct oral interviews with finalists.
The Council adopted the following protocol for selection of the City’s financial auditors in Resolution Number 5 of 1989:
i. The bid process will be competitive.
ii. The audit firm must be of national stature and have a local office.
iii. The contract term will be for three years with a two-year optional extension; the extension is at the sole discretion of the Council
Please contact Gary Mumford if you have questions or would like to review the draft RFP and provide input.
A: Council Members are not interested in forming a subcommittee. They would like to continue with the regular process.
B. Council Office Policies
C. For Your Information
1. CITY HOLIDAY: On Monday, January 17 the City Council Office will be closed in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. / Human Rights Day.
D. Meetings