January 4, 2001
1. Council Chair Roger Thompson recommends that Council Member Nancy Saxton replace him on the Council of Government (COG) Board. Does the Council support this recommendation?
All Council Members present supported the recommendation except Councilmember K. Christensen who was absent.
2. For the past several years the Council has held a retreat on the third Thursday of the month during the day, instead of the evening briefing meeting. Does the Council with to hold a retreat on Thursday January 18, 2001? Location?
All Council Members presented supported holding the retreat at Councilmember Thompson’s house in Morgan on January 18, 2001, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Rogan suggested looking at actions taken by other cities, where Mayors reduced city budgets by 20%. He said the Council should look at something they could apply immediately. Councilmember Thompson asked for input from Council Members regarding what to discuss at the retreat. Councilmember Buhler suggested a discussion regarding the sales tax on food issue. Councilmember Saxton asked for a list of issues which were unresolved. Councilmember Buhler requested a list of ideas for discussion.
Councilmember Saxton moved to hold the retreat in Morgan, All Council Members present supported the recommendation except Councilmember K. Christensen who was absent.
3. As noted at the Legislative breakfast, Representative Jackie Biskupski’s mother passed away. There is a sympathy care at Sylvia’s desk.
4. Russell Weeks and his wife Cathy have a new baby – Lily-.
She is healthy and doing great, as is Cathy. Russell will be out for the next three weeks.
5. Olympic pins to celebrate the 400 day mark are $4.50 each. If Council Members are interested in purchasing the pin, we have one available for each Council Member.
6. Attached is a copy of the sister city policy. It was reviewed by the Council several months ago, and changes have been made based upon council Member comments.
Councilmember Thompson said a Sister City meeting was scheduled for Monday, the 12th of February with the Mayor.
All Council Members present supported the recommended Sister City Relationships policy (see attached) except Councilmember K. Christensen who was absent. Ms. Gust-Jenson said the policy would be place in the Council’s policy book.