City Council Announcements
January 6, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. The Environmental Subcommittee has been working with Council Staff to put together a fact-finding night for Environmental issues. The date originally targeted was January 20th; however, staff has realized that this is the same day as the Presidential Inauguration. The Mayor will be out of town, as will some Council Members. As such, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Council, and the Chair of the Environmental Subcommittee, recommend that the Council hold an extra meeting on Tuesday, January 27th, in order to have an “Environmental Fact-finding night” then. The meeting on January 20th would be kept minimal, and the Council’s annual retreat (which was tentatively set for the 27th) could be held on either Thursday January 22nd, or Thursday, January 29th.
Council Staff would like to know if Council Members are in agreement to hold an additional Council Meeting for the Environmental Fact Finding on January 27th and adjusting the annual retreat tentative meeting date? Council Members were in favor of re-scheduling the January 20th meeting to another date. Discussion was held on scheduling another date and also a date for the Council’s retreat. Council Members were in favor of holding the retreat on the 29th and the Council Chair-Vice Chair would work with staff to find a date for the Environmental Fact Finding briefing.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said on either January 20th, 22nd, or 27th a briefing on the correctional facility needed to be held. She said there was a temporary regulation in place which expired in mid-February. She said she would work with Council Chair/Vice Chair to schedule the briefing.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said some Council Members had expressed an interest in touring the Barnes Bank Building. She said the Administration was gathering information and wanted to schedule a tour toward the end of January or the beginning of February. She asked which Council Members wanted to attend. Council Members Christensen, Martin, Love, Turner and Garrott expressed interest. Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff would get back to the Council with proposed dates.
B. For Your Information
See Grants
attached below:
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Lynn Creswell, Dave Everitt, Ben McAdams
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: 12/17/08
SUBJECT: Salt Lake City Sustainable Skyline Initiative
FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
GRANT PROGRAM: Sustainable Skyline Initiative
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Management Services
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: American Institute of Architects-Utah, Capitol Hill and East Central community councils, Local First Utah, Questar, Rocky Mountain Power, Salt Lake Chamber, Salt Lake City Mayor’s Green Team, SLC Division of Transportation, SLC Office of Sustainability and the Environment, Salt Lake County Mayor’s Office and Association of Community Councils Together, Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable, Salt Lake Valley Health Department, U.S. Green Building Council-Utah Chapter, University of Utah Office of Sustainability, Utah Clean Cities Coalition, Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Air Quality, Utah Clean Energy, Utah Department of Transportation, Utah Moms for Clean Air, Utah Transit Authority, Vest Pocket Coalition, Wasatch Clean Air Coalition, and Wasatch Front Regional Council
DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2008
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides 0.5 FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: Grant funds will be used to hire a part-time hourly coordinator for the three-year project period to facilitate the community collaborations and stakeholder involvement necessary for the Salt Lake City Sustainable Skyline Initiative.
Match Required 0% In Kind (see below) Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The aim of the Salt Lake City Sustainable Skylines Initiative is to reduce emissions and promote sustainability with the goal of cleaner and healthier air by increasing community participation and leveraging resources at the public and private level.
The City and core stakeholders from multiple sectors of the community will work together to mobilize citizen action campaigns aimed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, improve air quality, and achieve long-term sustainability.
If awarded, the grant will provide funding over three years for the City to:
a) Hire a part-time hourly coordinator to facilitate the community collaborations and stakeholder involvement;
b) Design, print, and distribute citizen action brochures for at least three air quality campaigns;
c) Hire a consultant to develop an Alternative Energy Master Plan for the City.
No matching funds are required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Grant Application Submission Notification Memo
TO: Jennifer Bruno, Lynn Creswell, Dave Everitt, Ben McAdams
FROM: Elizabeth Myers
DATE: 12/31/08
SUBJECT: Incumbent Worker Training Program
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Department of Workforce Services
GRANT PROGRAM: Incumbent Worker Training Program
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Management Services
DATE SUBMITTED: December 31, 2008
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment/Supplies Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Match Required 50% In-Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
If awarded, the grant will fund a portion of the training costs for:
d) Business License Administrator and Business License Enforcement Officer to attend the Utah Business Licensing Association Conference in fall 2009;
e) Three Planners to attend the National Planning Conference of the American Planning Association and obtain required training for certification through the American Institute of Certified Planners;
f) Eleven computer software engineers to complete the on-line training and exams for the Microsoft Certified Professional Developer: Web Developer certification and for the Microsoft Certified Professional Development: Windows Developer certification.
Applicants are required to provide a 50% in-kind or cash match. The City is supplying $7,541 in matching funds through training funds budgeted for the building services and licensing, planning, and computer software engineering divisions for fiscal year 2008/2009.