1. Are any Council Members interested in touring SRO properties at 4:00, prior to the RDA meeting on July 14? RDA staff will be available on the field trip. Ms. Ms. Gust-Jenson asked if she should do an agenda. Councilmember Lambert said yes.
2. Hate Crimes Legislation Resolution: The Administration has received the attached resolution relating to Hate Crimes Legislation. Is the Council interested in adopting a joint resolution on this topic? Ms. Gust-Jenson said she needed the Council’s feedback as to whether they wanted to do something like this jointly with the Mayor and if so, did the language work for the Council. Councilmember Lambert said he was comfortable with it and ask the other Council Members to let their liaison know so it could be scheduled for passage in August.
3. The Utah League of Cities & Towns is now accepting nominations from elected officials for membership on the ULCT Nominations Committee. Appointed each year, members of this committee are responsible for reviewing application materials and recommending candidates to the ULCT general membership for appointment to the ULCT Board of Directors.
The Nominations Committee is comprised of 11 members and is chaired by Provo Mayor and ULCT 2nd Vice President Lewis Billings. Any elected official may be nominated to serve on the committee.
If you are interested, please return the completed form to the ULCT office no later than August 5, 2005 Ms. Gust-Jenson said if anyone wanted to be on the nominating committee to let staff know.
4. Human Rights Commission: Mark Alvarez will staff the Human Rights Commission and he is requesting suggestions of potential nominees from City Council Districts. Ms. Gust-Jenson said the Commission wanted to encourage Council Members to make a recommendation of people from their districts that could serve.
5. Sister City events for the 24th and 25th of July:
The greeting at the City & County Building on the 24th will be at 3:00 p.m. There will be 7 dignitaries from Keelung (three will have their wives as well - so a total of 10) and the Deputy Director General and Consul from San Francisco. After they meet with the Council members and Sam from the Mayor's office, they will go over to the Police Department and meet with Chief Dinse and then go on to Heritage State Park for the BBQ and Play. Everyone will need to be at "This is the Place Park" by 5:15. We have a total of 34 guests from Keelung that will be at the BBQ and Play.
On the 25th, our guests will be involved with the parade and after the parade they would like to invite the council members to a sit down lunch at 1:00. They are probably going to be eating at Charlie Chows. - They leave for Las Vegas that afternoon so they will need to be at the airport by 4:50 p.m. Ms. Gust-Jenson said this would be brought back to the Council on Thursday after the dates had been clarified. She said Tom Godfrey had invited Council Members to park at his home for the parade. She said he needed to know in advance who was going to park there. She said Council Members Lambert, Love and Christensen wanted to park at Tom’s.
Which Council Members will attend each event?
Meet and Greet at C&C at 3:00 p.m. on the 24th
Dinner and Play at Heritage Park at 5:15 p.m. on the 24th
Sit down lunch at 1:00 p.m. on the 25th
6. Councilmember Saxton asked if anyone had questions about Kirk that was coming in. Councilmember Lambert said this was an interesting idea because there were people pushing it. Councilmember Saxton said he would be coming Monday the 18th. She said this was an acquaintance of hers who did theatre consultations all over the world. She said she wanted to sit down with Byron and Kirk and ask questions. She said she wanted to open it up to Council Members.
WHEREAS, Salt Lake City was founded by a people who fled from persecution and intolerance;
WHEREAS, because of our history, people of Salt Lake City should have the utmost concern for the welfare of others;
WHEREAS, contrary to what many believe, incidents of racism, bigotry and discrimination still occur in our community;
WHEREAS, when these incidents of racism, bigotry and discrimination become criminal in nature, they often target especially vulnerable people and send a particularly threatening message to whole communities; and
WHEREAS, the enhancement of penalties against those who commit crimes based on this type of bias and hatred is a measured response of a compassionate community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the City Council supports the enactment of a criminal penalty amendment that would punish more severely those who have committed crimes and selected their victims based on perceived or actual attributes of race, color, disability, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age or gender.
I hereby recommend (Name)
who is of
(Position) (Municipality)
to serve on the 2005 NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE
Listed below are the reasons for my choice:
(Please attach additional sheets or resume as necessary)
Signature of person making nomination Phone Number
Please Return Form to:
Utah League of Cities & Towns
50 South 600 East, Ste 150
Salt Lake City UT 84102
Phone: 801-328-1601 OR
Fax: 801-531-1872
Questions? Contact Lincoln at the League office.
August 5, 2005
From: Alvarez, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, July
12, 2005 3:57 PM
To: City Council Members
Cc: Guevara, Sam; Karrenberg,
Diana; Gust-Jenson, Cindy
Subject: Human Rights Commission
Dear City Council Members,
I am the staff person assigned to the Human Rights Commission (hereinafter “Commission”). I have studied the ordinance and done research on similar commissions around the country. Over the next few weeks, I will put together model suggestion/complaint forms for consideration by the Commission after it has been filled.
I write to ask if you know people from your districts who might want to serve on the Commission. I am hopeful that the Commission can be an important voice in Salt Lake City and Salt Lake City government. I look forward to working with you to make sure that happens.
Thank you for your kind words and for the input you may provide.
Mark C. Alvarez
Administrator of Minority Affairs
July 12, 2005
1. Joint Meeting -- Salt Lake City School District / City Council: The School Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month. August will not work since August 2nd is Night Out Against Crime and August 16th is the School District’s Truth in Taxation Hearing.
§ Does the Council September 6th or September 20th?
§ Does the previous 4:00 p.m. work here in the City & County building?
§ What agenda topics would the like to discuss with the School Board?
This item was not discussed.
2. Tour of Northwest Quadrant: Staff spoke previously with the Council about attending a ground and optional helicopter tour of the Northwest Quadrant. Given budget scheduling, the initial tour dates did not work out. We will request additional options for the Council’s consideration.
This item was not discussed.