City Council Announcements
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. A letter was recently signed by Council Chair, with the approval of the Council, to Ms. Audrey M. Hutchinson, National League of Cities, stating that “a majority of the City Council supports the City’s application for technical assistance from the National League of Cities to build city-wide afterschool systems that support expanded learning opportunities.” The Chair letter was submitted as part of the City’s RFP to participate in the technical assistance project: City Leaders Engaged in Afterschool Reform (CLEAR).
The Council letter committed the Council’s participation in the activities outlined in the RFP to include (**indicates required participation from a Council Member): Councilmember Turner was selected.
Phase I (if selected):
Phone consultation with NLC to learn more about the city’s out of school time needs and what the city has done so far to address them.
Read a written analysis from the NLC articulating its perspective on strengths, challenges, and opportunities to successfully develop a citywide system.
**One Council member will travel with Janet Wolf to attend a cross-site meeting at NLC’s expense to Washington DC early in 2006. The goal of this meeting will be for SLC to network with the other cities selected and to develop a clearer understanding of the city’s potential for progress in developing after-school programs.
Provide assistance with developing a local action plan and identifying key goals and priorities.
Phase II (if selected):
Assist in assembling a broad-based team of stakeholders, and participate on the team to further the goals we establish. This will include NLC staff site visits to SLC.
Is the Council interested in appointing a representative at this time or would Council prefer to wait until the City hears back on whether the City has been selected? Council staff has a copy of the City’s submitted RFP if Council Members are interested in seeing a copy.
2. Attached is a grant application the City has submitted.
Additional Item:
Historical site on 11th Avenue. Ms. Gust-Jenson said the home owner had requested the removal of the historical designation. She said a three-step process was needed to accommodate the request. She said the Administration was evaluating the issue/process and wanted to know if the Council would be willing to fast-track the proposal so a public hearing could be held in July. Ms. Gust-Jenson said the advertising door would remain open at the same time the Administration was gathering information. The Council was in favor. Councilmember Jergensen said he had concerns and more information was needed but he wanted to keep the Council’s options open.
Award Submission Notification Memo
TO: Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 6/24/2005
SUBJECT: Salt Lake City Youth Programs
FUNDING AGENCY: National League of Cities
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Department of Public Services, Youth & Family Programs Division
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Salt Lake City School District
DATE SUBMITTED: June 16, 2005
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required % In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Salt Lake City submitted an application participate in Phase I of the City Leaders Engaged in After School Reform Initiative (CLEAR); an initiative of the National League of Cities.
CLEAR provides technical assistance to selected cities that are engaged in addressing the issues and challenges of expanding out-of-school time program for youth.
Ten to twelve cities will be chosen to participate in Phase I: a six-month period when cities work with the National League of Cities to conduct an opportunity scan, a city assessment, and cross-site meetings.
Benefits to the City:
The City will complete a local action plan and identify key goals and priorities.
Only cites selected in Phase I are eligible to apply for Phase II: an additional twelve months of more intense technical assistance. Four to six cities will be selected to participate in Phase II of the CLEAR Initiative.