Additional Announcements
November 7, 2006
A. For Your Information
1. Please note the location and timeframe for the District Four Community Outreach/City Council meeting and bus tour Thursday, November 9th:
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2006
Bus Tour: The bus tour departs from the Patrick Moore Gallery (511 West 200
South) at 5:00 p.m.
Dinner: Dinner will be held at the Hong Kong Tea House immediately
following the tour.
** The bus will drop off tour guests at the restaurant (565 West 1100 South).
Meeting: The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. at the Patrick Moore Gallery, 511
West 200 South. Please refer to your Council packets for the agenda
Parking: Please use the on-street parking spaces off of 500 West or 200 South.
2. In Budget Amendment Number One the Council approved funding for the transfer of property from Lowe’s on 1300 South 300 West for a turn lane. This was done at the recommendation of City Transportation. The amount listed in the budget amendment was $40,000. This amount is $8,105 less than is owed to Lowe’s by the City. Would the Council informally approve the Administration moving ahead with the reimbursement to Lowe’s, with the understanding that the formal request for the $8,105 will come to the Council formally in the next Budget Amendment? Council Members wanted to go ahead and pay the additional amount.
City Council Announcements
November 7, 2006
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. The PEHP Flex Plan (Medical and Dependent Care accounts) Open Enrollment period will start on November 1, 2006 and end on December 15, 2006.
Each person must sign up for their own deductions so that they can use funds on a tax free basis for medical and dependent care expenses. After December 15 you will not be able to sign up or it will but the City’s whole plan in jeopardy.
Also, be sure to spend any amounts that have been taken out this year by December 15.
The best way to enroll is on line at
You also may enroll by completing a Flex enrollment form available at an open enrollment meeting or with your timekeeper.
* On line enrollment or enrollment forms will not be accepted after December 15, 2006 *
If you have any questions, please call PEHP at 366-7503, 366-7563 or 366-7523
2. Metropolitan Water Board Vacancy – Genevieve Atwood's second term on the Metropolitan Water Board of Trustees will expire on January 1, 2007. She is not eligible for reappointment unless the Council wishes to make an exception. Salt Lake City's other board members are:
Leland J. Myers, chair (District 7): Second term expires 1/4/10
Pat Comarell (District 6): Second term expires 1/5/09 (first term was more than half of a full term)
Lee Kapaloski (District 5): First term expires 1/4/10
David Stanley (District 5): First term expires 1/4/10
Salt Lake City board members must be residents of Salt Lake City. State law (17A-1-303) requires that a notice of a pending vacancy be posted for 30 days and advertised in a newspaper on five consecutive days outlining the procedure for applying if a person wishes to be considered. Staff has asked for recommendations from LeRoy Hooton, Leland Myers, and Mike Wilson. Please let staff know if you have suggestions of individuals who may be interested in serving on the board. Does the Council wish for staff to proceed with the required notice of a pending vacancy? Does the Council wish to have the Council's Public Utilities Subcommittee review applications and make recommendations for a Metro Water Board appointee? Council Members wanted to look for someone else to replace Genevieve Atwood.
3. Currently the Administration provides a legislative version (‘strike and bold”) and a clean version of each ordinance that is proposed for Council consideration. In order to reduce the potential for confusion, and to save paper, would the Council be willing to just receive the legislative version of the ordinances? Council Members were in favor of just receiving the legislative version of the ordinance.
4. Petition 400-01-48 – Transit Corridor TC-75 – ordinance correction to include a building step-back provision as part of the zoning regulations for the Transit Corridor TC-75 Zoning District. Paperwork has been received from the Community Development Department to correct an error in the adopted Transit Corridor TC-75 zoning regulations. The Council’s request for a building step-back provision was inadvertently omitted from the ordinance adopted by the Council in 2005. A new ordinance has been provided to rectify this error. This would be a ‘housekeeping’ type of correction and would not substantially change the zoning regulations that are currently in place. Would Council Members prefer to schedule this item for a public hearing without a briefing? Council Members did not want to hold a public hearing.
5. Council staff has attached a memorandum by City Council Member Nancy Saxton seeking the Council’s support for a legislative action to prepare an ordinance that would restrict the number of businesses in Salt Lake City that provide “payday loans Council Members wanted to hold a briefing on this issue.
B. For Your Information
1. Attached is a grant application submitted by the City.
Award Nomination Submission Memo
TO: Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 10/27/2006
SUBJECT: Award Nomination for Kennedy Center imagination celebration at Salt Lake City
FUNDING AGENCY: Association of Performing Arts Presenters and MetLife Foundation
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Department of Public Services
DATE SUBMITTED: October 27, 2006
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 0% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The award honors an organization that demonstrates innovative strategies that increase access to the arts for people in underserved communities whether they are rural, inner-city, communities in transition or new communities.
The City nominated YouthCity Artways for its efforts to present the Polynesian Festival as part of the annual Kennedy Center imagination celebration at Salt Lake City.
If chosen to receive the award, YouthCity Artways will use the funds to support the 2007-2008 season of the Kennedy Center imagination celebration at Salt Lake City.