2006 Council Announcements

November 9, 2006



November 9, 2006


A. Information Needed by Council Staff


1.    Council Staff would like to know if the Council would like to call for a public hearing for the conveyance of the parcel located at 460 West 200 South from the MBA to the RDA?  Council Staff would also like to confirm that the terms of conveyance (no monetary exchange from the RDA to the MBA) are acceptable to the Council?  The property is currently owned by the Municipal Building Authority and is proposed to be conveyed to the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency.  The Council has already acted on the policy direction for this parcel of land (see background paragraph below).  The purpose of this announcement is to assess whether or not the Council would like a public hearing, and if the terms of property conveyance are acceptable to the Council.  The previous approach, as decided by the RDA Board in December of 2003, was to purchase the parcel from the City for a sum of $500,000.  Does the Council agree with the Administration’s current recommendation to have no monetary compensation exchanged?  Councilmember Christensen said he was in favor of transferring the property and not calling for a hearing.  Councilmember Jergensen asked if the property could be conveyed directly from the MBA to the RDA.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff was working with the Attorney’s Office to draft a resolution and work through technical aspects.  She said the Council needed to convene as the MBA in order to transfer the property.  She said additional paperwork would be given to Council Members on Monday and an addendum needed to be made to the agenda.


      In December of 2005, the Council heard a petition from the Boyer Company that related to the development of these parcels and the preservation or abandonment of the 500 West right of way as envisioned in the Master Plan.  The Council’s final decision preserved the future for the planned 500 West right-of-way, and maintained the development potential of the RDA-owned property along 200 South (with the intention of adding the MBA-owned property directly to the north to the RDA property).


      Is the Council in agreement that there is no need for a public hearing on this matter, and that the property directly to the north of the RDA-owned parcel, can be deeded to the RDA, so that the RDA may combine the parcels and sell them for development to the Boyer Company?


2.    LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS:  COUNCIL MEMBERS LOVE AND SAXTON - COMMERCIAL PARKING IN NEIGHBORHOODS:  The Community Development Department has indicated they would like to further review proposed Zoning Ordinance text changes relating to COMMERCIAL PARKING options IN NEIGHBORHOODS.  This is in reference to Legislative Actions sponsored by COUNCIL MEMBERS LOVE AND SAXTON AND questions raised at the Council briefing on September 7th regarding alternative, shared and off-site parking options. The Administration would like to include changes to the alternative, shared, off-site parking regulations that are part of a legal settlement agreement between the City, the LDS church and two residents in Capitol Hill.  The settlement agreement relates to Board of Adjustment approval of and the parking plan for the Church History Library located at 132 North Main Street.  The changes may need to be reevaluated by the Planning Commission depending on the outcome of the Planning staff review.  If there is no objection from the Council we will place a motion accomplishing this on the next consent agenda.  The Council was in favor of sending the issue back for re-evaluation.