2009 Council Announcements

October 13, 2009


City Council Announcements

October 13, 2009


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.    Attached are various housekeeping policy amendments.


      Does the Council have comments regarding the proposed amendments?  Ms. Gust-Jenson said these relate to the Council’s retreat and comport with what the Council had instructed staff to do at that time.  She said she wanted to draw the Councils attention to one item which was Item 2.  She said we mentioned this to the Council before and we will run this by the emergency committee and come back with a proposal but right now staff members are paying for their own cell phone use even though we are requiring the cell phones for our emergency plan.

      Councilmember Christensen asked if Council Members had any concerns with the remaining items.  No concerns were raised.

2.    Provided the new process the Council utilizes to approve grant funding within the Consent Agenda, an outline of the grant applications is below. The details of each grant are also attached. If you have any objections, please speak with a member of staff.

Grant Reference Title

Grant Amount

Grant Program

Violence Against Women Formula Grant



FY 2009 State of Utah JAG-ARRA Stimulus Competitive Program for Local Government





ADDITIONAL City Council Announcements

October 13, 2009


B.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.    The Council Governmental Relations subcommittee is interested in having Council staff set up their next meeting with the School Board representatives around the end of November. Council staff is in the process of checking with the School District to inquire about potential agenda topics from the School District.

Suggested agenda topics from the subcommittee are:

     CDA discussion/School District partnership (expressing thanks)

     Upcoming legislative session and how the City Council and School Board work together on potential issues.

     Understanding on School District’s desire regarding how precincts are redrawn


      Are there other agenda topics that Council Members wish to add? Ms. Gust-Jenson asked Council Members to let staff know if there were any additional topics they wanted to add.

2.    The Council communication subcommittee identified two potential dates at their last meeting to hold a luncheon for the community council chairs – Tuesday, October 20th or Tuesday, November 10 (both are Council meeting dates as well) – with another potential luncheon held in the spring in March or April on a Council meeting date.

                Time:        12:00 noon to 2:00 pm
                 Menu:       Box lunch
                 Place:       SLC Main Library, 4th floor meeting room
                 Purpose:   Become better acquainted, develop stronger relationships, and
                                  enhance communication with our community councils

 Invites to:  Community Council chairs


     Is the Council in approval of holding the luncheon on Tuesday, November 10th since October 20th is already upon us?   Yes!

     Is the Council in approval of including other community council trustees/officers as part of the invite? ?? I didn’t hear any discussion on this question.  I may have missed it.

     Attached is a draft invite letter, is the Council in approval of the letter?  Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff would come back to the Council with a new letter.   The Council asked for the letter to be mailed as soon as possible.


3.    Staff has attached a draft letter to businesses that operate ground transportation companies in Salt Lake City. The letter asks the companies, including taxicab companies, to comment on proposed changes to City Code Chapter 5.71, which regulates ground transportation operations in Salt Lake City. The goal of sending the letter and a draft of the proposed changes to the ground transportation companies is to obtain comment from the companies the proposed changes would affect before writing a final version for the City Council to consider. The letter also would be sent to hotel operators and the Salt Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau for comment.


      Are there any changes Council Members may wish to suggest, or is the letter ready to send?  Ms. Gust-Jenson said the Council was provided and e-mail and staff was checking with Council Members to see if that is acceptable.


4. Council Members Garrott and Simonsen would like to address the scheduled Council

Meeting on Thursday, November 5. This meeting was scheduled due to the General

Elections on Tuesday, November 3.

As a note, the Protest Hearing for SAA 102154 is scheduled for November Sand the

Administration has prepared several items for briefings and adoption with relation to the

North Temple projects.


      Additionally, the following Public Hearings are on the Consent Agenda tonight for the date of November 5:


Resolution: Donation of Unclaimed Bicycles

Ordinance, Residential Condominium Conversions Text Amendments

Ordinance: Private Clubs as Conditional Use in Mixed Use Zoning District (Jam in the



      Remaining November Meeting Dates include Tuesday, November 10 and Tuesday, November 17. If November 5 is moved, the Council may choose to hold a meeting on Tuesday, November 24.


      The Council will be required to hold the Protest Hearing on November 5 due to legal requirements. Would the Council like to consider holding a formal meeting on November 5, with a Work Session at another time?  Councilmember Christensen said they would evaluate which items needed to be dealt with on November 5th and suggested holding the scheduled public hearing items.  He said Council Members could listen to the audio to catch up on public hearing comments.  Discussion was held on starting the RDA meeting at 2:00 p.m. on November 10th.  Council Members were ok with starting at 2:00.  Councilmember Christensen said they would let Council Members know the start time by next week or so.