2009 Council Announcements

October 20, 2009


City Council Announcements

October 20, 2009


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.    The Administration has received a query about whether the City Council would like to see an ADA accessible, compressed natural gas taxicab manufactured by the Vehicle Production Group LLC. The taxicab is expected to be in production in mid-2010. According to the company’s literature, the vehicle is:

     “Able to accommodate some of the largest power wheelchairs and scooters, the MV-1 has enough interior space for up to 6 adults, including up to two standard wheelchairs. The MV-1 is the first and only vehicle that is purpose-built to meet or exceed ADA guidelines without any expensive aftermarket conversions or retrofits.

     The only vehicle in its class with the option of an OEM engineered and assembled dedicated Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) power train system to ensure the same durability, reliability, and quality that fleets demand from gasoline powered vehicles. The CNG system features an estimated 250 mile range to support central refueling, with best-in-class cargo compartment volume.” (Please see graphic.)

      According to the Administration, a company representative would like to show the vehicle to the City Council on November 10.


      Would the City Council be interested in seeing the vehicle at a time that would not interfere with the City Council meeting?

      Ms. Gust-Jensen said she would get more information about the vehicle.  Council Member’s Martin and Simonsen were interested in seeing the vehicle.

      Also, would the City Council find it pertinent to future decisions on ground transportation and taxicab issues to tour the CCSi dispatch center in St. George in the near future to see a state of the art taxicab dispatch center? Although it is located in St. George, the center dispatches taxicabs operating in California, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Florida.


      Council Members were in favor of touring the dispatch center in April when they were in St. George.


      Most Council Members were in favor of meeting with Community Council leaders November 10, 2009 for a luncheon from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.