City Council Announcements
October 2, 2007
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Would the Council be able to meet on Tuesday, November 27, 2007, rather than Tuesday, November 20, 2007, in order to avoid the week of Thanksgiving? The 27th would facilitate scheduling the report from the Leonardo consultants.
All Council Members were in favor of meeting on the November 20, 2007.
The Leonardo group will be asked to come on December 4, 2007
2. Council Staff would like to check in with Council Members to see how they would like to proceed in getting their employee photo IDs updated to contain a "Disaster Response" identifier. Other employees were directed to Patty Baker or Susan Hoskins in Human Resources to get their photos taken. (Council Members could stop in during the day, or we could arrange a specific time)
Council Members will go to Human Resources for photo ID.
3. Here is a list of Council meetings from now through the end of the year:
a. Tuesday, October 9, 2007 RDA
b. Thursday, October 11, 2007 Off-site Outreach District 3, Shriner’s Hospital
c. Tuesday, October 16, 2007
d. Tuesday, November 13, 2007 RDA
e. Monday, November 19, 2007 6:00 p.m. Special Meeting Board of Canvassers
f. Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Board of Canvassers
g. Tuesday, December 4, 2007
h. Tuesday, December 11, 2007 RDA
4. Expediting Land Use Issues:
a. The Council has been asked to expedite two more Land Use issues: Air Liquide, and a petition by Elizabeth and Jeanette Trujillo requesting a rezone on 300 South 900 West.
b. The Trujillo rezoning was approved by the Planning Commission June 13 and it was received in the Council Office September 18. We expect to receive the Air Liquide transmittal today.
c. With the Council’s permission we could expedite the advertising. If the Council would like to have a briefing on these items next week we would need to place them on the agenda for briefing without staff reports.
Council Members were in favor of expediting the issues.
5. Council Members have two sheets at their places with available meeting times for small group meetings regarding the Airport Expansion presentation and the mid-process update on the Planning Division review.
City Council Announcements
October 2, 2007
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Rocky Mountain Power Underground Cost Review:
Rocky Mountain Power will soon be providing the City with a written estimate (obtained from bid) regarding the potential burying of the 800 South Transmission Lines. The estimate should be provided to the Council no later than November 2007.
The City Council, according to State Statute, has 30 days to agree and pay for the incremental cost to bury the transmission lines.
State Code allotting 30 days for the decision reads as follows:
54-14-204.Requirements or conditions on facility considered waived if local government does not pay for actual excess cost 30 days before construction.
Any requirement or condition in any permit, authorization, approval, exception, or waiver of a local government for a facility that imposes an actual excess cost shall be considered waived if the local government does not pay the public utility for the actual excess cost, except any actual excess costs specified in Subsection 54-14-201(2)(a) or (2)(b), within 30 days before the date construction of the facility should commence in order to avoid a significant risk of impairment of safe, reliable, and adequate service to customers of the public utility.
The City Engineering Division could arrange for the review by an outside consultant at a cost between $5,000 - $8,000.
1. Would the City Council prefer the formal estimate be presented to the entire City Council, or to the representatives whose district is directly affected by this area? (Districts 4, 5, and 6)
2. Is the City Council interested in hiring an outside consultant for review? (see option A below)
A. The City Council has an additional option of utilizing the City Engineering Division to arrange for the review by an outside consultant at a cost of between $5,000 - $8,000. Is this the preferred option?
1. If option A is chosen, would the Council prefer to fund the cost from the Council Office Consulting Line Item Budget, or provide the funds to Engineering through a budget opening (using fund balance)?
3. If option A is not the preferred choice, may Staff proceed with hiring the consultant prior to the arrival of the proposal in order to ensure the 30-day deadline is met?
All Council Members present were in favor of moving the issue forward
2. Council Office has received the Quarterly Housing Report for Fiscal Year 2006-2007, Fourth Quarter. Do Council Members desire a briefing?
All Council Members present were in favor of a briefing.